RFR(S): 8132721: Add tests which check that heap counters work as expected during Humongous allocations

Dmitry Fazunenko dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com
Tue Feb 2 16:21:12 UTC 2016


New version looks good!


On 02.02.2016 18:37, Kirill Zhaldybin wrote:
> Dmitry,
> Thank you for reviewing this test.
> Here are a new webrev: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kzhaldyb/webrevs/JDK-8132721/webrev.05/
> Could you please read comments inline?
> Regards, Kirill
> On 02.02.2016 15:25, Dmitry Fazunenko wrote:
>> Hi Kirill,
>> In general the test looks good.
>> A few minor comments:
>> 1) copyrights 2015 -> 2016
> Fixed
>> 2) Would you consider to move
>> gcBeans.stream().mapToLong(GarbageCollectorMXBean::getCollectionCount).sum(); 
>> into a separate method. You use this construct twice.
> Well, I think twice is still ok and takes less lines that separate 
> function.
>> 3) You print debug info:
>>              System.out.println("Counter returned that allocation used "
>> + (usedMemoryAfter - usedMemoryBefore) + "; "
>>                      + "expected allocation size at least " +
>> expectedAllocationSize * ALLOCATION_SIZE_TOLERANCE_FACTOR);
>>   for the sake of simplification debug in case of failure, it's better
>> to print separately:
>> - allocationSize, usedMemoryBefore, usedMemoryAfter.
> Fixed.
>> 4)
>>              if (gcCountNow == gcCountBefore) {
>>                  ...
>>              } else {
>>                  System.out.println("GC happened during allocation so
>> the check is skipped");
>>              }
>> In case of an unexpected GC happens on iteration #3, all the following
>> iterations will be skipped.
>> But you can skip only iteration #3. For that in the 'else' branch you
>> need to add
>>          gcCountBefore = gcCountNow
> Fixed.
>> Thanks,
>> Dima
>> On 01.02.2016 22:04, Kirill Zhaldybin wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Could you please take a look at this test for JDK-8132721?
>>> The test allocates/deallocates humongous objects and checks that
>>> memory counters (from Runtime and MemoryMXBean classes) work right.
>>> For example it's expected that after allocating HO of size
>>> (G1Region/2 + 1) bytes free memory should decrease on full G1Region
>>> size.
>>> CR:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8132721
>>> WebRev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kzhaldyb/webrevs/JDK-8132721/webrev.04/
>>> Thank you.
>>> Regards, Kirill

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