RFR: 8024137 - Flags should be set using the proper macro

Jon Masamitsu jon.masamitsu at oracle.com
Mon Jul 11 18:47:47 UTC 2016



  361   if (OldSize < old_gen_size_lower_bound()) {
  362     FLAG_SET_ERGO(size_t, OldSize, old_gen_size_lower_bound());
  363   }
  364   if (!is_size_aligned(OldSize, _gen_alignment)) {
  365     FLAG_SET_ERGO(size_t, OldSize, align_size_down(OldSize, 

If OldSize has to be adjusted for both lower bound and alignment,
what gets saved as the previous value?


On 06/21/2016 01:01 PM, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
> Hi,
> Please review this change to make the GC ergonomics use 
> FLAG_SET_ERGO() instead of setting values directly in flags. This 
> change builds on the fix for JDK-8048093 and assumes that we will 
> remember that the flags was set on the command line.
> If you know of any other places where we assign a flag directly 
> without using FLAG_SET_ERGO() please let me know since it would make 
> sense to change all these places in this change.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8024137
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jwilhelm/8024137/webrev.00/
> Thanks,
> /Jesper

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