RFR: 8161604: TestNewSizeFlags fails with RuntimeException: max new size != MaxNewSize value

Michail Chernov michail.chernov at oracle.com
Fri Jul 29 12:26:23 UTC 2016

Thank you for reviewing this!


On 07/28/2016 06:48 PM, sangheon wrote:
> Hi Michail,
> On 07/28/2016 06:24 AM, Michail Chernov wrote:
>> Hi Sangheon,
>>>> Thanks you for reviewing this. I'm no sure that explanations are 
>>>> needed in whitebox.cpp. I added the throwing of RuntimeException if 
>>>> we try to invoke Parallel GC specific methods when use not Parallel 
>>>> GC. Exception is more clear than 0 that was returned from methods. 
>>> I meant adding the explanation near "private static final long 
>>> PS_VIRTUAL_SPACE_ALIGNMENT = WB.psVirtualSpaceAlignment();" in 
>>> TestNewSizeFlags.java. Because someone would be strange as we are 
>>> calling it without checking GC type. But you explained that there's 
>>> no harm with that code.
>>> And I agree that adding something in whitebox.cpp is not necessary. 
>>> Even the new exception. :)
>> I'd like to keep the new exceptions in code. We have several White 
>> Box methods which can throw exceptions in similar cases (e.g. 
>> WB_G1GetMixedGCInfo). It looks more clear than meaningless 0.
> Okay.
> Looks better as is.
> Thanks,
> Sangheon
>> Thanks
>> Michail

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