GC interface update

Roman Kennke rkennke at redhat.com
Wed Apr 12 19:10:09 UTC 2017

Am 12.04.2017 um 21:02 schrieb Christian Thalinger:
> Two or three JavaOnes ago Jon Masa (where is he anyway? ;-)

I think he retired?

>  and I discussed JVMCI and a possible GC interface.  One issue with compilers is that they need to emit different barrier code for different garbage collectors.  You mention this in the JEP.
> Where are you with your thinking on this?
That's a tricky one.

I'm thinking to have sub-interfaces, e.g. C2GCSupport and C1GCSupport
provided by the GC interface main class. Those guys must know about both
their respective compiler interfaces (e.g. Node, GraphKit, etc) and
their GC. The compiler would then simply call something like
GC::gc()->c1_support()->pre_barrier(...) instead of switching on the
barrier-type and assuming knowledge about the particular GCs. Same goes
for jvmci I think, but haven't put much thought on it yet. In fact, it
would be helpful to know what you, as a compiler guy, would ideally use
as GC interface. ?


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