GC interface update

Roman Kennke rkennke at redhat.com
Wed Apr 26 10:35:24 UTC 2017

Hi Erik,

>> Regarding Shenandoah, what we need there is a way to apply read- and
>> write-barriers on *every* heap access. This is used to resolve the
>> target object to its to-space copy. For example, when reading a field
>> from an object, and that object is in from-space, we first need to read
>> its forwarding pointer to arrive at the to-space copy and read from
>> there. Similary, for writes, we first need to invoke some write barrier
>> magic to copy the target object to to-space, CAS the forwarding pointer
>> of the from-space object, and then do the write into the to-space copy.
>> In pseudocode, a store (or load) that used to look like this:
>> store(oop obj, int offset, int value)
>> now needs to look like this:
>> obj = write_barrier(obj)
>> store(obj, offset, value)
>> With regards to the GC interface, this means we need to have access to
>> the source (for loads) or target (for stores) object, not only the
>> actual field address. Infact, a field address would be pointless, what
>> we need is the object+offset.
>> Does your proposal provide for this?
> Yes it does. The HeapAccess class (Access on the Java heap) has
> store_at, load_at etc that takes a base pointer and an offset - just
> what you need.


>> Why don't you push all this into the jdk10-sandbox, under the
>> JDK-8163329-branch (aka GC-interface-branch) ? We do need to collaborate
>> on this stuff, and the best way to do that would be with actual code
>> exchange. It's easy to do in the sandbox: we can go completely wild in
>> there until we're satisfied ;-)
> I agree we need to collaborate here. Having said that - I hope your
> version of "completely wild" is not the same as mine. ;)

Hehe. As long as it builds... ;-)

> I will push the code to the sandbox.


>> To be honest, I wouldn't go over the top to optimize runtime barrier
>> accesses. I haven't seen a single benchmark yet that suffers from
>> virtual calls. Shenandoah does introduce *much* more virtual calls (in
>> its current design), i.e. one for each primitive load and store, and it
>> doesn't seem to impact performance or show up in profiles on benchmarks
>> we are running *at all*. It seems like a complete non-issue to me. I
>> suppose it is possible to construct benchmarks where it does matter
>> (heavily exercising JNI heap accessors comes to mind), but even then I
>> don't think virtual calls in the runtime accessors hurt that much. If
>> you have such benchmark, please please let me (or us) know.
> Sorry if this was not clear enough, but the main purpose of the template
> machinery was not to micro-optimize virtual calls. It is more of a nice
> bonus you get. The main purpose is being able to unite all these
> different weird accesses with special treatment due to potentially
> orthogonal semantics requiring them to be treated differently by
> different GCs. This moves the complexity from the sprinkled special GC
> treatment code all over hotspot into a contained (and limited)
> complexity for the mediator between the user of the Access API and the
> backends. But it is very easy to use both by users of the Access API and
> backends.

Ok, that seems fine. Infact I wasn't exactly worried about the templates
(although it tends to make difficult to find what is actually called
how, but I'll figure it out). I was more worried about the messing-about
with function pointers to get barrier calls without virtual. This seems
like overkill to me.  Considering the typical complexity of a barrier,
saving one template lookup doesn't seem worth it. Even in the case of
Shenandoah read barriers, which are a single load operation, we haven't
see any impact when introducing virtual calls on all primitive and
reference loads. And with function pointers you still need to make a
call, you don't get magical inlining or such ;-)

Plus, this additional complexity does have a cost: it opens the door for
bugs. Somebody needs to understand & maintain it. The way it is, it is
much harder to understand (for me) where and how a call to HeapAccess
ends up in specific GC barriers. It's already complex using templates. I
see no need to make it even more complex by shoving it through a
function-pointer-indirection machinery.

>> My idea for runtime accessors basically boiled down to the API that's
>> currently in oop.hpp / oop.inline.hpp: i.e. forward all heap access
>> through the barrier via 1 (and only 1) virtual call. I don't exactly
>> mind some magic to avoid even this one virtual call, but I question if
>> it's worth the additional complexity (which doesn't sound exactly
>> negligible).
> The simpler API you refer to in oop.hpp does not yet acknowledge all the
> weird accesses we do - it handles the default heap accesses on only
> strongly reachable objects and then sprinkles conditionally executed
> GC-specific barriers around these default accesses at callsites where
> there are such weird accesses, rather than supplying the semantics. I
> believe I saw this was on your TODO-list. This system is the result of
> going down that rabbit hole.

I see this, and I like it. Very good stuff!

>> We can help with the arm64 port. :-)
> Thank you, very glad to hear that! :)
>> Those comments are purely based on your description. Now I'm going to
>> study your patch :-)
> May I recommend a cup of coffee...

I am still wrapping my head around it. Currently trying to understand
how the previous if (UseG1GC) { G1SATBBarrierSet::enqueue(v); } is
solved for loads of referent fields. I might ping you on IRC...

I guess it makes sense that I close the bugs that I opened around
BarrierSet refactorings, withdraw the RFR that I sent and leave this
stuff to you :-)

Cheers, Roman

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