RFR: Parallelize safepoint cleanup

Roman Kennke rkennke at redhat.com
Mon Jul 3 14:39:34 UTC 2017

Hi Robbin,

does this require another review? I am not sure about David Holmes?

If not, I'm going to need a sponsor.

Thanks and cheers,

Am 29.06.2017 um 21:27 schrieb Robbin Ehn:
> Hi Roman,
> Thanks,
> There seem to be a performance gain vs old just running VM thread
> (again shaky numbers, but an indication):
> Old code with,   MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold=0, 0.003099s, avg of 10
> worsed cleanups 0.0213s
> Do it VM thread, MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold=0, 0.002782s, avg of 10
> worsed cleanups 0.0173s
> I'm assuming that combining deflation and nmethods marking in same
> pass is the reason for this.
> Great!
> I'm happy, looks good!
> Thanks for fixing!
> /Robbin
> On 06/29/2017 08:25 PM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>> I just did a run with gcbench.
>> I am running:
>> build/linux-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/bin/java -jar
>> target/benchmarks.jar roots.Sync --jvmArgs "-Xmx8g -Xms8g
>> -XX:ParallelSafepointCleanupThreads=1 -XX:-UseBiasedLocking --add-opens
>> java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED -XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics"
>> -p size=500000 -wi 5 -i 5 -f 1
>> i.e. I am giving it 500,000 monitors per thread on 8 java threads.
>> with VMThread I am getting:
>>            vmop                            [ threads:    total
>> initially_running wait_to_block ][ time:    spin   block    sync
>> cleanup    vmop ] page_trap_count
>>     0,646: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 4             6 ][             0       0       0
>> 158     225 ]               4
>>     1,073: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 5             6 ][             1       0       1
>> 159     174 ]               5
>>     1,961: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 2             6 ][             0       0       0
>> 130      66 ]               2
>>     2,202: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 5             6 ][             1       0       1
>> 127      70 ]               5
>>     2,445: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 7             7 ][             1       0       1
>> 127      66 ]               7
>>     2,684: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 7             7 ][             1       0       1
>> 127      66 ]               7
>>     3,371: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 5             7 ][             1       0       1
>> 127      74 ]               5
>>     3,619: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 5             6 ][             1       0       1
>> 127      66 ]               5
>>     3,857: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 6             6 ][             1       0       1
>> 126      68 ]               6
>> I.e. it gets to fairly consistent >120us for cleanup.
>> With 4 safepoint cleanup threads I get:
>>            vmop                            [ threads:    total
>> initially_running wait_to_block ][ time:    spin   block    sync
>> cleanup    vmop ] page_trap_count
>>     0,650: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 4             6 ][             0       0       0
>> 63     197 ]               4
>>     0,951: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 0             1 ][             0       0       0
>> 64     151 ]               0
>>     1,214: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 7             8 ][             0       0       0
>> 62      93 ]               6
>>     1,942: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 4             6 ][             1       0       1
>> 59      71 ]               4
>>     2,118: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 6             6 ][             1       0       1
>> 59      72 ]               6
>>     2,296: G1IncCollectionPause            [
>> 19                 5             6 ][             0       0       0
>> 59      69 ]               5
>> i.e. fairly consistently around 60 us (I think it's us?!)
>> I grant you that I'm throwing way way more monitors at it. With just
>> 12000 monitors per thread I get columns of 0s under cleanup. :-)
>> Roman
>> Here's with 1 tAm 29.06.2017 um 14:17 schrieb Robbin Ehn:
>>> The test is using 24 threads (whatever that means), total number of
>>> javathreads is 57 (including compiler, etc...).
>>> [29.186s][error][os       ] Num threads:57
>>> [29.186s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.186s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:2064
>>> [29.187s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1861
>>> [29.188s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1058
>>> [29.188s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:2
>>> [29.188s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:577
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1443
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:122
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:47
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:497
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:16
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:113
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:5
>>> [29.189s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:678
>>> [29.190s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:105
>>> [29.190s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:609
>>> [29.190s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:286
>>> [29.190s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:228
>>> [29.190s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1391
>>> [29.191s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1652
>>> [29.191s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:325
>>> [29.191s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:439
>>> [29.192s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:994
>>> [29.192s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:103
>>> [29.192s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:2337
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:2
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:1
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> [29.193s][error][os       ] omInUseCount:0
>>> So in my setup even if you parallel the per thread in use monitors
>>> work the synchronization overhead is still larger.
>>> /Robbin
>>> On 06/29/2017 01:42 PM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>> How many Java threads are involved in monitor Inflation ?
>>>> Parallelization is spread by Java threads (i.e. each worker claims
>>>> and deflates monitors of 1 java thread per step).
>>>> Roman
>>>> Am 29. Juni 2017 12:49:58 MESZ schrieb Robbin Ehn
>>>> <robbin.ehn at oracle.com>:
>>>>      Hi Roman,
>>>>      I haven't had the time to test all scenarios, and the numbers are
>>>> just an indication:
>>>>      Do it VM thread, MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold=0, 0.002782s avg,
>>>> avg of 10 worsed cleanups 0.0173s
>>>>      Do it 4 workers, MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold=0, 0.002923s avg,
>>>> avg of 10 worsed cleanups 0.0199s
>>>>      Do it VM thread, MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold=1, 0.001889s avg,
>>>> avg of 10 worsed cleanups 0.0066s
>>>>      When MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold=0 we are talking about 120000
>>>> free monitors to deflate.
>>>>      And I get worse numbers doing the cleanup in 4 threads.
>>>>      Any idea why I see these numbers?
>>>>      Thanks, Robbin
>>>>      On 06/28/2017 10:23 PM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>>              On 06/27/2017 09:47 PM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>>                  Hi Robbin,
>>>>                  Ugh. Thanks for catching this.
>>>>                  Problem was that I was accounting the thread-local
>>>> deflations twice:
>>>>                  once in thread-local processing (basically a leftover
>>>> from my earlier
>>>>                  attempt to implement this accounting) and then
>>>> again in
>>>>                  finish_deflate_idle_monitors(). Should be fixed here:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/8180932/webrev.09/
>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erkennke/8180932/webrev.09/>
>>>>              Nit:
>>>>              safepoint.cpp : ParallelSPCleanupTask
>>>>              "const char* name = " is not needed and 1 is unused
>>>>          Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by this. I see code
>>>> like this:
>>>>          const char* name = "deflating idle monitors";
>>>>          and it is used a few lines below, even 2x.
>>>>          What's '1 is unused' ?
>>>>                  Side question: which jtreg targets do you usually
>>>> run?
>>>>              Right now I cherry pick directories from: hotspot/test/
>>>>              I'm going to add a decent test group for local testing.
>>>>          That would be good!
>>>>                  Trying: make test TEST=hotspot_all
>>>>                  gives me *lots* of failures due to missing jcstress
>>>> stuff (?!)
>>>>                  And even other subsets seem to depend on several bits
>>>> and pieces
>>>>                  that I
>>>>                  have no idea about.
>>>>              Yes, you need to use internal tool 'jib' java integrate
>>>> build to get
>>>>              that work or you can set some environment where the
>>>> jcstress
>>>>              application stuff is...
>>>>          Uhhh. We really do want a subset of tests that we can run
>>>> reliably and
>>>>          that are self-contained, how else are people (without that
>>>> jib thingy)
>>>>          supposed to do some sanity checking with their patches? ;-)
>>>>              I have a regression on ClassLoaderData root scanning,
>>>> this should not
>>>>              be related,
>>>>              but I only have 3 patches which could cause this, if it's
>>>> not
>>>>              something in the environment that have changed.
>>>>          Let me know if it's my patch :-)
>>>>              Also do not see any immediate performance gains (off vs 4
>>>> threads), it
>>>>              might be
>>>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk10/hs/hotspot/rev/06994badeb24
>>>>              , but I need to-do some more testing. I know you often
>>>> run with none
>>>>              default GSI.
>>>>          First of all, during the course of this review I reduced the
>>>> change from
>>>>          an actual implementation to a kind of framework, and it needs
>>>> some
>>>>          separate changes in the GC to make use of it. Not sure if you
>>>> added
>>>>          corresponding code in (e.g.) G1?
>>>>          Also, this is only really visible in code that makes
>>>> excessive use of
>>>>          monitors, i.e. the one linked by Carsten's original patch, or
>>>> the test
>>>>          org.openjdk.gcbench.roots.Synchronizers.test in gc-bench:
>>>>          http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/gc-bench/
>>>>          There are also some popular real-world apps that tend to do
>>>> this. From
>>>>          the top off my head, Cassandra is such an application.
>>>>          Thanks, Roman
>>>>              I'll get back to you.
>>>>              Thanks, Robbin
>>>>                  Roman
>>>>                  Am 27.06.2017 um 16:51 schrieb Robbin Ehn:
>>>>                      Hi Roman,
>>>>                      There is something wrong in calculations:
>>>>                      INFO: Deflate: InCirc=43 InUse=18 Scavenged=25
>>>> ForceMonitorScavenge=0
>>>>                      : pop=27051 free=215487
>>>>                      free is larger than population, have not had the
>>>> time to dig into this.
>>>>                      Thanks, Robbin
>>>>                      On 06/22/2017 10:19 PM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>>                          So here's the latest iteration of that patch:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/8180932/webrev.08/
>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erkennke/8180932/webrev.08/>
>>>>                          I checked and fixed all the counters. The
>>>> problem here is that they
>>>>                          are
>>>>                          not updated in a single place
>>>> (deflate_idle_monitors() ) but in
>>>>                          several
>>>>                          places, potentially by multiple threads. I
>>>> split up deflation into
>>>>                          prepare_.. and a finish_.. methods to
>>>> initialize local and update
>>>>                          global
>>>>                          counters respectively, and pass around a
>>>> counters object (allocated on
>>>>                          stack) to the various code paths that use it.
>>>> Updating the counters
>>>>                          always happen under a lock, there's no need
>>>> to do anything special
>>>>                          with
>>>>                          regards to concurrency.
>>>>                          I also checked the nmethod marking, but there
>>>> doesn't seem to be
>>>>                          anything in that code that looks problematic
>>>> under concurrency. The
>>>>                          worst that can happen is that two threads
>>>> write the same value into an
>>>>                          nmethod field. I think we can live with
>>>> that ;-)
>>>>                          Good to go?
>>>>                          Tested by running specjvm and jcstress
>>>> fastdebug+release without
>>>>                          issues.
>>>>                          Roman
>>>>                          Am 02.06.2017 um 12:39 schrieb Robbin Ehn:
>>>>                              Hi Roman,
>>>>                              On 06/02/2017 11:41 AM, Roman Kennke
>>>> wrote:
>>>>                                  Hi David,
>>>>                                  thanks for reviewing. I'll be on
>>>> vacation the next two weeks too,
>>>>                                  with
>>>>                                  only sporadic access to work stuff.
>>>>                                  Yes, exposure will not be as good as
>>>> otherwise, but it's not totally
>>>>                                  untested either: the serial code path
>>>> is the same as the
>>>>                                  parallel, the
>>>>                                  only difference is that it's not
>>>> actually called by multiple
>>>>                                  threads.
>>>>                                  It's ok I think.
>>>>                                  I found two more issues that I think
>>>> should be addressed:
>>>>                                  - There are some counters in
>>>> deflate_idle_monitors() and I'm not
>>>>                                  sure I
>>>>                                  correctly handle them in the split-up
>>>> and MT'ed thread-local/ global
>>>>                                  list deflation
>>>>                                  - nmethod marking seems to
>>>> unconditionally poke true or something
>>>>                                  like
>>>>                                  that in nmethod fields. This doesn't
>>>> hurt correctness-wise, but it's
>>>>                                  probably worth checking if it's
>>>> already true, especially when doing
>>>>                                  this
>>>>                                  with multiple threads concurrently.
>>>>                                  I'll send an updated patch around
>>>> later, I hope I can get to it
>>>>                                  today...
>>>>                              I'll review that when you get it out.
>>>>                              I think this looks as a reasonable step
>>>> before we tackle this with a
>>>>                              major effort, such as the JEP you and
>>>> Carsten doing.
>>>>                              And another effort to 'fix' nmethods
>>>> marking.
>>>>                              Internal discussion yesterday lead us to
>>>> conclude that the runtime
>>>>                              will probably need more threads.
>>>>                              This would be a good driver to do a
>>>> 'global' worker pool which serves
>>>>                              both gc, runtime and safepoints with
>>>> threads.
>>>>                                  Roman
>>>>                                      Hi Roman,
>>>>                                      I am about to disappear on an
>>>> extended vacation so will let others
>>>>                                      pursue this. IIUC this is longer
>>>> an opt-in by the user at runtime,
>>>>                                      but
>>>>                                      an opt-in by the particular GC
>>>> developers. Okay. My only concern
>>>>                                      with
>>>>                                      that is if Shenandoah is the only
>>>> GC that currently opts in then
>>>>                                      this
>>>>                                      code is not going to get much
>>>> testing and will be more prone to
>>>>                                      incidental breakage.
>>>>                              As I mentioned before, it seem like Erik
>>>> Ö have some idea, maybe he
>>>>                              can do this after his barrier patch.
>>>>                              Thanks!
>>>>                              /Robbin
>>>>                                      Cheers,
>>>>                                      David
>>>>                                      On 2/06/2017 2:21 AM, Roman
>>>> Kennke wrote:
>>>>                                          Am 01.06.2017 um 17:50
>>>> schrieb Roman Kennke:
>>>>                                              Am 01.06.2017 um 14:18
>>>> schrieb Robbin Ehn:
>>>>                                                  Hi Roman,
>>>>                                                  On 06/01/2017 11:29
>>>> AM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>>                                                      Am 31.05.2017 um
>>>> 22:06 schrieb Robbin Ehn:
>>>>                                                          Hi Roman, I
>>>> agree that is really needed but:
>>>>                                                          On 05/31/2017
>>>> 10:27 AM, Roman Kennke wrote:
>>>>                                                              I
>>>> realized that sharing workers with GC is not so easy.
>>>>                                                              We need
>>>> to be able to use the workers at a safepoint during
>>>> concurrent
>>>>                                                              GC work
>>>> (which also uses the same workers). This does not
>>>>                                                              only
>>>>                                                              require
>>>>                                                              that
>>>> those workers be suspended, like e.g.
>>>> SuspendibleThreadSet::yield(), but they need to be idle, i.e.
>>>>                                                              have
>>>>                                                              finished
>>>> their tasks. This needs some careful handling to
>>>>                                                              work
>>>>                                                              without
>>>>                                                              races: it
>>>> requires a SuspendibleThreadSetJoiner around the
>>>> corresponding
>>>> run_task() call and also the tasks themselves need to join
>>>>                                                              the
>>>>                                                              STS and
>>>>                                                              handle
>>>> requests for safepoints not by yielding, but by
>>>>                                                              leaving
>>>>                                                              the
>>>>                                                              task.
>>>>                                                              This is
>>>> far too peculiar for me to make the call to hook
>>>>                                                              up GC
>>>>                                                              workers
>>>>                                                              for
>>>> safepoint cleanup, and I thus removed those parts. I
>>>>                                                              left the
>>>>                                                              API in
>>>> CollectedHeap in place. I think GC devs who know better
>>>>                                                              about G1
>>>>                                                              and CMS
>>>>                                                              should
>>>> make that call, or else just use a separate thread
>>>>                                                              pool.
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/8180932/webrev.05/
>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erkennke/8180932/webrev.05/>
>>>>                                                              Is it ok
>>>> now?
>>>>                                                          I still think
>>>> you should put the "Parallel Safepoint Cleanup"
>>>>                                                          workers
>>>>                                                          inside
>>>> Shenandoah,
>>>>                                                          so the
>>>> SafepointSynchronizer only calls get_safepoint_workers,
>>>>                                                          e.g.:
>>>> _cleanup_workers = heap->get_safepoint_workers();
>>>> _num_cleanup_workers = _cleanup_workers != NULL ?
>>>> _cleanup_workers->total_workers() : 1;
>>>> ParallelSPCleanupTask cleanup(_cleanup_subtasks);
>>>> StrongRootsScope srs(_num_cleanup_workers);
>>>>                                                          if
>>>> (_cleanup_workers != NULL) {
>>>> _cleanup_workers->run_task(&cleanup,
>>>> _num_cleanup_workers);
>>>>                                                          } else {
>>>>                                                          cleanup.work
>>>> <http://cleanup.work>(0);
>>>>                                                          }
>>>>                                                          That way you
>>>> don't even need your new flags, but it will be
>>>>                                                          up to
>>>>                                                          the
>>>>                                                          other GCs to
>>>> make their worker available
>>>>                                                          or cheat with
>>>> a separate workgang.
>>>>                                                      I can do that, I
>>>> don't mind. The question is, do we want that?
>>>>                                                  The problem is that
>>>> we do not want to haste such decision, we
>>>>                                                  believe
>>>>                                                  there is a better
>>>> solution.
>>>>                                                  I think you also
>>>> would want another solution.
>>>>                                                  But it's seems like
>>>> such solution with 1 'global' thread pool
>>>>                                                  either
>>>>                                                  own by GC or the VM
>>>> it self is quite the undertaking.
>>>>                                                  Since this probably
>>>> will not be done any time soon my
>>>>                                                  suggestion is,
>>>>                                                  to not hold you back
>>>> (we also want this), just to make
>>>>                                                  the code parallel and
>>>> as an intermediate step ask the GC if it
>>>>                                                  minds
>>>>                                                  sharing it's thread.
>>>>                                                  Now when Shenandoah
>>>> is merged it's possible that e.g. G1 will
>>>>                                                  share
>>>>                                                  the code for a
>>>> separate thread pool, do something of it's own or
>>>>                                                  wait until the bigger
>>>> question about thread pool(s) have been
>>>>                                                  resolved.
>>>>                                                  By adding a thread
>>>> pool directly to the SafepointSynchronizer
>>>>                                                  and
>>>>                                                  flags for it we might
>>>> limit our future options.
>>>>                                                      I wouldn't call
>>>> it 'cheating with a separate workgang'
>>>>                                                      though. I
>>>>                                                      see
>>>>                                                      that both G1 and
>>>> CMS suspend their worker threads at a
>>>>                                                      safepoint.
>>>>                                                      However:
>>>>                                                  Yes it's not cheating
>>>> but I want decent heuristics between e.g.
>>>>                                                  number
>>>>                                                  of concurrent marking
>>>> threads and parallel safepoint threads
>>>>                                                  since
>>>>                                                  they compete for cpu
>>>> time.
>>>>                                                  As the code looks
>>>> now, I think that decisions must be made by
>>>>                                                  the
>>>>                                                  GC.
>>>>                                              Ok, I see your point. I
>>>> updated the proposed patch accordingly:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/8180932/webrev.06/
>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erkennke/8180932/webrev.06/>
>>>>                                          Oops. Minor mistake there.
>>>> Correction:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rkennke/8180932/webrev.07/
>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Erkennke/8180932/webrev.07/>
>>>>                                          (Removed 'class WorkGang'
>>>> from safepoint.hpp, and forgot to add it
>>>>                                          into
>>>>                                          collectedHeap.hpp, resulting
>>>> in build failure...)
>>>>                                          Roman
>>>> -- 
>>>> Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Gerät mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

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