RFR: 8183539: Remove G1RemSet::_into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set

Erik Helin erik.helin at oracle.com
Tue Jul 4 11:40:19 UTC 2017

Hi all,

here comes a simple patch (just removing code) with a quite complicated 
justification :) So grab a cup of coffee, take out that good old pen and 
paper (it is almost impossible to convince yourself that this is correct 
without drawing) and enjoy the following little text:

The G1RemSet::_into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set is no longer needed. It 
was originally added to keep track of cards with pointer into the 
collection set. In the case of evacuation failure, this set of cards 
would then be enqueued for refinement in order to construct/update 
remembered sets for regions that encountered evacuation failure (only 
regions in the collection set can encounter evacuation failure). 
However, this functionality is already provided by the call to 
G1ParScanThreadState::update_rs and the evac failure handling code.

For pointers in regions outside of the collection set pointing into the 
collection set, we will always call G1ParScanThreadState::update_rs. 
G1ParScanThreadState::update_rs will enqueue the card containing the 
pointer pointing into the collection set onto 
G1CollectedHeap::_dirty_card_queue_set. So 
G1CollectedHeap::_dirty_card_queue_set will contain all the cards with 
pointers into the collection set (that are not themselves in the 
collection set). If an evacuation failure happens, then we will still 
trace through the object graph, calling do_oop_evac (but do_oop_evac 
will just return a pointer to the "from" object) for each object 
pointing into the collection set. This means that all cards in regions 
outside of the collection that contains pointers into the collection set 
will end up on G1CollectedHeap::_dirty_card_queue_set.

For pointers in regions in the collection set pointing into the 
collection set, those will be handled by the evacuation failure handling 
code. The evacuation failure handling code will iterate over all objects 
in all regions that encountered an evacuation failure. If it encounters 
an object with a forwarding pointer pointing to itself, then it will 
enqueue the cards that contains that object's fields onto 

The two above paragraphs means that after a collection, 
G1CollectedHeap::_dirty_card_queue_set will always contain all cards 
that contained pointers into the collection set. This is true for both a 
successful collection and a collection that encountered evacuation 
failure. However, these cards are exactly the cards that 
G1RemSet::_into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set contains, so we might as well 
remove the G1RemSet::_into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set.

Patch: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ehelin/8183539/00/
Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8183539
Testing: make test TEST=hotspot_gc on Linux x86-64 fastdebug


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