10 RFR: 8169517: WhiteBox should provide concurrent GC phase control
Dmitry Fazunenko
dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com
Mon Mar 6 13:14:48 UTC 2017
Hi Kim,
First of all thank you for doing that change. Adding an access to GC
phases is a great step toward GC testability improvement.
I have got some comments regarding the suggested API and implementation.
398 // Attempt to put the collector into the indicated concurrent phase,
399 // and attempt to remain in that state until a new request is made.
Would it make sense to provide method returned the current GC Phase.
public String getConcurrentGCPhase(); or like existing 'boolean
g1InConcurrentMark()': public boolean inGCPhase(String phase);
2) Would it make sense to extend sun.hotspot.gc.GC enum
with 'supportsConcurrentGCPhaseControl()' ?
This will provide an elegant way to filter out tests which require that
feature. Like:
@requires gc.supportsConcurrentGCPhaseControl public void main(String...
args) { WB.requestConcurrentGCPhase("xxx"); }
instead of necessity to report that test is passed, when it's skipped:
public void main(String... args) { if
WB.requestConcurrentGCPhase("xxx"); } else {
System.out.println("Test passed: the requested feature is not
supported"); } }
3) I totally support Aleksey's position regarding ability to obtain all
the available phases for a collector:
- it's a good API style
- it allows to develop a test like Aleksey suggested: asserting that a
target GC indeed supports all the phases and doesn't support another.
Failure of this test will signal about a significant change in the GC
implementation, which might require extra test effort.
- it will allow to develop tests without looking at the code
I also agree, that missing a method returning list of phases is not a
stopper for integration, it could be integrated later.
4) hotspot/test/gc/TestConcurrentPhaseControlBasics.java
- This class could be better located in hotspot/test/gc/whitebox next to
other test for whitebox itself.
- I think it will be correctly to have two tests instead of this one:
* the first test invokes VM with a GC which doesn't support phase
control (like serial) and check WB methods
* the second test invokes VM with a GC which support this feature
5) test/lib/jdk/test/lib/gc/TestConcurrentPhaseControlSupport.java and
I don't really like how the code is distributed between classes.
Inheritance brings some limitations and reduce code readability.
The more convenient approach would be to have GCConcurrentPhaseUtil
class with a static method:
public void checkPhaseControl(String messages, String[][] phases) throws Exception {...}
And a test which invokes this method for each collector.
I'd recommend 'hotspot/test/gc/concurrent_phase' as a place for storage
such tests.
On 18.02.2017 4:44, Kim Barrett wrote:
> Please review this addition to the WhiteBox testing infrastructure,
> providing an API for putting a concurrent collector into a particular
> concurrent phase.
> This is for writing tests where some action of the test needs
> to be performed while the collector is in a specific state. For
> example, to test a fix for JDK-8166188 we will need to dereference a
> jweak while G1 is doing concurrent marking. It is difficult to
> reliably arrange for that to happen without direct controls like those
> being provided here.
> Only G1 support for the new feature is provided by this change. CMS
> support is TBD, and will be the subject of a new RFE.
> CR:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8169517
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kbarrett/8169517/hs.00/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kbarrett/8169517/hotspot.00/
> Testing:
> Change includes jtreg tests for the new feature.
> Local and jprt-based jtreg testing.
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