RFR (S): 8184667: Clean up G1ConcurrentMark files

Stefan Johansson stefan.johansson at oracle.com
Fri Oct 20 12:04:30 UTC 2017

Thanks for cleaning up this code Thomas,

On 2017-10-19 15:44, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> Hi all,
>    can I have reviews for this code cleanup of G1ConcurrentMark* files?
> The idea is to fix formatting, naming, assert strings, remove unused
> variables and methods, some missing braces around statements, and look
> into whether member visibility could be improved.
> No actual behavior changes.
> The CR contains references to a few other cleanup RFEs that I thought
> would not fit perfectly.
> CR:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8184667
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8184667/webrev/
Looks good in general. Just a few small things:

1028   G1CMConcurrentMarkingTask markingTask(this, cm_thread());

Rename markingTask to either just task or marking_task.
  638 #ifdef ASSERT
  639   // The task queue set needed for stealing
  640   G1CMTaskQueueSet*           _task_queues;
  641   // Indicates whether the task has been claimed

  642   bool                        _claimed;
  643 #endif // ASSERT

I wouldn't mind if you just removed those two. Not sure keeping them 
around is worth it.


> Testing:
> jprt
> Thanks,
>    Thomas

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