GcInfo: longest pause duration?

Hohensee, Paul hohensee at amazon.com
Tue Oct 24 14:39:19 UTC 2017

Done. Thanks for the suggestion.

On 10/23/17, 2:45 PM, "David Holmes" <david.holmes at oracle.com> wrote:

    Hi Paul,
    Probably best to also include the GC mailing list here.
    On 24/10/2017 2:31 AM, Hohensee, Paul wrote:
    > I’d like to solicit opinions on reporting GC pause duration 
    > (stopped-world pause time) via JMX. This info would be useful in 
    > figuring out whether or not GC pause times are factors in failing to 
    > meet response time SLAs. The info is of course available directly from 
    > GC logs, but parsing logs is fraught and JMX doesn’t seem to report the 
    > equivalent info.
    > GcInfo
    > https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/com/sun/management/GcInfo.html
    > has a getDuration() method which works fine for the non-concurrent 
    > collectors (since they’re STW), but for CMS and G1 it appears to report 
    > the duration of an entire concurrent cycle, which isn’t what I want. The 
    > number of STW pauses during a concurrent cycle varies by collector, so 
    > ideally there would be a method that reports cause (as a string) and 
    > duration for each STW pause. If that’s too much, perhaps the minimum 
    > might be a getMaxPauseDuration() method that reports the maximum pause 
    > duration of all the STW pauses that happen during a concurrent cycle.
    > Relatedly, the full compacting GCs that happen as a result of CMS and G1 
    > concurrent mode failure aren’t reported separately from concurrent 
    > cycles. It would be useful to differentiate these from 
    > “ConcurrentMarkSweep” and “G1 Old Generation”. Perhaps add collector 
    > types to CMS and G1, vis. “MarkSweepCompact” (which already exists and 
    > is literally what’s executed by CMS) and a new “G1 MarkSweepCompact” 
    > collector for G1.
    > If there’s a consensus that something should be done about either of 
    > these issues, I’d be happy to file RFE(s) and do the work.
    > Thanks,
    > Paul

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