Does openjdk8u need pre-barrier for jweak?

Aleksey Shipilev shade at
Wed Aug 15 07:49:32 UTC 2018

Hi Kim,

On 08/15/2018 07:01 AM, Kim Barrett wrote:
> However, I think there might be a much simpler solution that retains
> at least some clearing of jweaks.  Change the initial mark pause to
> always scan and mark the JNI weak globals too, just as the normal JNI
> globals are marked.  Leave process_phaseJNI alone (i.e. don't use
> Shenandoah's patch.)

That is actually a much saner idea for Shenandoah as well, thanks! Should have thought about it at
the time. We have moved the workaround block to root processor, which can also distinguish between
root processing for concurrent mark and last-ditch STW Full GC:

I think/agree we can apply similar workaround to G1, and move on.


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