Question regarding JEP 8204089 Timely Reducing Unused Committed Memory

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at
Mon Jun 4 12:26:21 UTC 2018

Hi all,

On Fri, 2018-06-01 at 16:44 +0300, Ruslan Synytsky wrote:
> Hi Kirk, thank you for the additional important highlights. 
> On 1 June 2018 at 08:21, Kirk Pepperdine <kirk.pepperdine at>
> wrote:
> > Hi,


> > In an era when the GC engineers are working so very hard to make as
> > much of the collection process as concurrent as possible, it just
> > feels very wrong to rely on a huge STW event to get something done.
> > In that spirit, it behoves us to explore how committed memory maybe
> > released at the tail end of a normally triggered GC cycle. I
> > beleive at the end of a mixed cycle was mentioned. I believe this
> > would give those that want/need to minimize their JVM’s footprint
> > an even greater cost advantage then attempting to reduce the
> > footprint at some (un???)random point in time.
> > 
> How hard/expensive is to implement in G1 something similar like
> Shenandoah does?

Let me detail a bit how G1 triggers collections and when it releases

For the first part, let's make a distinction between the trigger for
young collections and the start of old generation space reclamation

Young collections are at the moment triggered by space exhaustion in
the young generation.

Old gen reclamation is currently only triggered by old generation space
going over a given occupancy threshold. This can be either caused by
young collections copying objects into the old generation ("promotion")
or humongous (large) object allocation.

In both cases, G1 triggers a so-called initial-mark young collection,
i.e. a regular young collection with some additional setup for the
concurrent marking.
Concurrent marking results in Remark and Cleanup pauses that are
scheduled on a time basis. During that time, when the young generation
is exhausted, regular young collections are performed.

After the Cleanup pause, there is some "last" regular young generation
pause where GC and marking kind of sync up. After that one, again
caused by exhaustion of the young gen, so called mixed collections are
triggered. These are young generation collections with minimal young
gen size and some old generation regions added.

These mixed collections continue (mostly) until G1 thinks enough memory
has been freed.

Basically, to release memory back to the operating system, the
programming effort would be to call G1CollectedHeap::shrink() at the
end of the appropriate pause.

If you were looking into effort, there are two caveats (compared to
simply triggering a full gc):

  - full gc currently, in addition to compaction, also throws away
SoftReferences (cached objects), and cleans out some references from VM
internal data structures to the Java heap, making all of these
Assuming you want to have similar impact regarding soft references and
internal data structures, you need to start a concurrent cycle, and
wait until the Remark pause with your shrinking request (one can still
try without!).
Only the following mixed GCs compact the Java heap (at the moment G1
will also not start mixed GCs without a previous marking cycle); but
the Remark pause will free completely empty regions.

  - if you also want to compact old gen, the best time for the shrink()
call would probably be the end of the mixed gc phase. However garbage
collections are currently tied to exhaustion of young gen. So if your
application is truly or almost idle, and does not allocate anything,
there will be no GC pauses for potentially a long time.

One would need to start the mixed gc based on some timout. Note that
there are already some timers running for some VM cleanup tasks.

To improve the impact of the compaction and shrinking you might also
want to tweak some internal variables for the duration of this "idle

Btw, one step in that direction would be to generally just attempt to
shrink the heap at the end of mixed gc, e.g.
net/browse/JDK-6490394 .

Implementing something like Shenandoah, i.e. uncommit the regions that
stayed empty for more than ShenandoahUncommitDelay milliseconds would
mean iterating through all regions and check if they are "old" enough
to uncommit (and do so) at regular intervals in some STW pause. When
allocating, also give them some sort of timestamp.
Again, you need to make sure that the regions are looked through in
some regular interval (either piggy-backing by some existing regular
pauses or force one).

This would not be particularly hard to implement either, but only seems
extra work: as you might still want to compact the heap in some way
(this is optional) by e.g. doing a marking + mixed cycle (and then wait
for the ShenandoahUncommitDelay), so you may as well uncommit within
these pauses already.


Some other unanswered question so far has been up to what degree memory
will be freed during this time: I guess at most until -Xms?


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