RFR(M): 8204908: NVDIMM for POGC and G1GC - Updated patch that does not allow AllocateHeapAt and AllocateOldGenAt to be set at the same time...

Awasthi, Vinay K vinay.k.awasthi at intel.com
Thu Jun 14 00:47:56 UTC 2018

By preventing this, I repurposed _fd_for_heap for NVDIMM mapping. There is now no _fd_for_nvdimm.
JEP to support allocating Old generation on NV-DIMM - https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8202286
Here is the implementation bug link: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204908

Patch is Uploaded at (full patch/incremental patch)
Tested default setup (i.e. no file is being passed for heap) and AllocateHeapAt/AllocateOldGenAt with POGC and G1GC.. all passing...
Any and all comments are welcome!

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