RFR (S): 8204082: Make names of Young GCs more uniform in logs

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Fri Jun 15 14:14:10 UTC 2018


On Fri, 2018-06-15 at 12:44 +0300, Kirk Pepperdine wrote:
> > On Jun 15, 2018, at 11:46 AM, Stefan Johansson <stefan.johansson at or
> > acle.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Kirk,
> > 
> > On 2018-06-15 08:50, Kirk Pepperdine wrote:
> > > Hi Thomas,
> > > From a parsing POV would be preferable "Pause Young Normal" would
> > > be preferable to Pause Young (Normal)".  I know it's a small
> > > change but it does make a difference. The rest of the code is
> > > fine (of course not an official review).
> > > As for the change it's self, [73.077s][info ][gc,start     ]
> > > GC(262) Pause Initial Mark (G1 Humongous Allocation) is already
> > > perfectly clear to me. I'm not sure how
> > > [73.077s][info ][gc,start     ] GC(262) Pause Young (Initial
> > > Mark)  (G1 Humongous Allocation) clarifies things. IMO, this
> > > change only adds to the already high level of noise in the GC
> > > logs. 
> > 
> > I think this makes it more clear that Initial Mark is actually
> > doing a Young GC as well as initiating the concurrent cycle and
> > with the new proposed tags it will be even more clear IMHO.
> Sure… but a GC log is really an audit trail of GC events…… when the
> collector ran, what the collector did, and how long it took to get
> the work done. In order to understand the audit trail you have to
> have some knowledge of how the collector works. Thus adding “Pause”
> and “Young” to Initial Mark is redundant to those that know and not
> any more helpful to those that don’t know how the collector works. 

  it is helpful to me to e.g. to filter out anything that does not
start with "Pause Young" immediately on a single look.

> And when you consider the use case for GC logs, it’s mostly going to
> be managed by tooling anyways.

As mentioned in the original name of the CR ("Add indication that this
is the "Last Young GC before Mixed" to logs") this change is mostly
intended to ease staring at crash logs (debugging) where you typically
do not have the chance to do another run (or adding more extensive
logging makes the problem not appear) or turn on more logging.

I.e. analysis with no tools at all. Or at most something like grep, awk
and sed at quick disposal.

So this is for a different purpose than auditing. Since JFR is open
source now I recommend moving to feeding tools from that longer term.
I agree that at the moment it does not give you the same information,
but I assume the community will improve that over time.


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