RFR: JDK-8220671: Initialization race for non-JavaThread PtrQueues

Roman Kennke rkennke at redhat.com
Mon Apr 1 09:45:29 UTC 2019

>>>>> The one new use of the mutex being added by this
>>>>> change doesn't introduce such a problem, but still... I think it's
>>>>> easy to avoid that problem by adding a new mutex just to protect the
>>>>> synchronize call.
>>>> Uh, no? Wouldn't that be missing the point above? We can't just 'avoid' the problem by protecting something by two mutexes that ought to be under one mutex.
>>>> Or what am I missing?
>>> Moving that synchronization outside the NJTList_lock solves that deadlock
>>> problem. But the synchronization itself still needs protection; this
>>> synchronizer only supports one synchronization at a time (one of its
>>> disadvantages compared to GlobalCounter, and the reason for "SingleWriter"
>>> in the name). So we need a new lock, specifically for protecting those
>>> synchronization calls.
>> Alright, ok then. Let's see that patch then. :-)
>> Thanks, Roman
> Here's the updated patch:
> full: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kbarrett/8220671/open.01/
> incr: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kbarrett/8220671/open.01.inc/
> (The incremental patch might not be that interesting compared to the
> full patch.)
> The incremental patch adds a new mutex for the NJT synchronizer's
> synchronize(). It also adjusts and/or moves around some comments. And
> it adds ZGC code to protect against the same issue. I'm not sure the
> ZGC code is in the right place (ZHeap); maybe it should be in
> ZAddressMask instead? I'll let Per comment on that.
> Testing: mach5 tier1-5.  I couldn't think of a good way to make a real
> regression test here, because it's so timing sensitive.

Looks good to me. Thanks!


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