RFR: 8221732: Introduce CollectedHeap::hash_oop()

Stefan Karlsson stefan.karlsson at oracle.com
Mon Apr 1 11:04:01 UTC 2019

Looks good.


On 2019-04-01 09:39, Per Liden wrote:
> The JVMTITagMap hashes oops by casts them to 32-bit unsigned integers. 
> For ZGC, which has colored oop, this happens to work because all 
> metadata bits are above 32-bit. In theory, ZGC could store its metadata 
> bits in the lower 32-bit part of the address, in which case this hash 
> scheme would break. Today we have an ugly assert in 
> JvmtiTagHashmap::hash() to make sure this doesn't happen. However, the 
> JVMITagMap should not make assumptions on what an oop looks like, and 
> should instead delegate this hashing to CollectedHeap.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8221732
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~pliden/8221732/webrev.0
> /Per

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