JVM crashes constantly when High GC happens

Aleksey Shipilev shade at redhat.com
Fri Apr 5 23:29:49 UTC 2019

On 4/6/19 1:07 AM, Kim Barrett wrote:
>> On Apr 5, 2019, at 4:33 PM, shang xinli <shangxinli at hotmail.com> wrote:
> See "Special constants for debugging" in
> hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp for some other
> examples.   But 0x8 isn’t one of those.

This looks like taking the offset 0x8 off the NULL pointer.

> Sorry I can't be more help.  Maybe someone else will have ideas.

As usual with GC/VM bugs, run the most recent version (I see OP is running 8u171). Then use
fastdebug builds [1] to catch the proper assert instead of crashing blindly. Use GC verification to
catch GC bugs (-XX:+Verify{Before,After}GC and friends). All these would expose some VM/GC bugs. But
if there is weird stuff going on in the app/system itself, like Unsafe accesses, external processes
poking the memory, then all bets are off.


[1] Configure with --with-debug-level=fastdebug; or pick up the fastdebug build from somewhere, for
example https://builds.shipilev.net/

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