RFR: 8229020: Failure on CPUs allowing loads reordering: assert(_tasks[t] == 1) failed: What else?

Jie Fu fujie at loongson.cn
Fri Aug 2 09:44:31 UTC 2019

Hi all,

JBS:    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8229020
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiefu/8229020/webrev.00/

The failure was first observed on our Loongson CPUs which allow loads 
reordering with the following test
make test 

The failure was caused by the loads reordering on CPUs with weak memory 
Just imagine the following case:
   - If the load of _tasks[t] in line 436 is floating up before the load 
of _tasks[t] in line 432, and
   - the load in line 436 may read 0 and the load in line 432 may read 1,
   - then the if-condition in line 433 is false, so Atomic::cmpxchg 
won't be executed,
   - then the assert in line 436 fails.
430 bool SubTasksDone::try_claim_task(uint t) {
431   assert(t < _n_tasks, "bad task id.");
432   uint old = _tasks[t];
433   if (old == 0) {
434     old = Atomic::cmpxchg(1u, &_tasks[t], 0u);
435   }
436   assert(_tasks[t] == 1, "What else?");
437   bool res = old == 0;
438 #ifdef ASSERT
439   if (res) {
440     assert(_claimed < _n_tasks, "Too many tasks claimed; missing 
441     Atomic::inc(&_claimed);
442   }
443 #endif
444   return res;
445 }

It would be better to insert a memory fence before line 436 to prevent 
the load from floating up.

Could you please review it?

Thanks a lot.
Best regards,

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