RFR (M): 8212206: Refactor AdaptiveSizePolicy to separate out code related to GC overhead

Man Cao manc at google.com
Wed Jan 16 02:41:45 UTC 2019


I rebased the patch to tip and updated year in some headers to 2019,
without making any real change:

I don't foresee that this will be implemented, or even makes sense, for
> ZGC. As I see it, this is only a thing STW collectors. For that reason,
> I don't think it belongs in CollectedHeap. Keeping it as a separate
> utility class for collectors that want to use it sounds better.
Sounds good to keep this patch in the current state, without further
changing the CollectedHeap class.

I haven't looked very closely at the patch, but couldn't help to notice
> that the option is called "GCOverheapLimitThreshold" (and
> "AdaptiveSizePolicyGCTimeLimitThreshold" before that), which is a
> tautology and a not very good description of what it is.
> How about we take the opportunity to clean this up and completely ditch
> the "gc_overhead_limit_count" thing and get rid of this option? It's a
> "develop" option, so it's not available to normal users anyway. Has
> anyone of you ever used this option and actually find it valuable?

I didn't find any users inside Google that require changing this option.
That said, some users did complain that UseGCOverheadLimit for ParallelGC
or CMS is too difficult to get
triggered, because of the requirement for 5 consecutive full GCs, which is
set by this option.
I think if it were a normal "product" option, there will definitely be
users setting it.
I never understand why it is a "develop" option. I think we could either
remove it,
or make it an "experimental" option.
I'm leaning towards not removing it for now, as I'm not sure if 5 is still
a reasonable
default value for UseGCOverheadLimit for G1.
How about we decide whether to keep or remove this option after
JDK-8212084 (UseGCOverheadLimit for G1) is fixed?

Also for the hsperfdata counter change, I created
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8217221. I will draft a CSR for it

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