RFR: 8048556: Unnecessary GCLocker-initiated young GCs
Fairoz Matte
fairoz.matte at oracle.com
Wed Jul 24 10:01:06 UTC 2019
Please review the change to avoid Unnecessary GCLocker Initiated GC's.
JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8048556
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~fmatte/8048556/webrev.00/
Background: This fix is proposed by "Tony Printezis" in the comments section.
GC locker-initiated young GC happens immediately after another young GC.
The fix is to send the right gc counts and fixing the vm gc op not to signal "full"
Reading right GC count from "GC_locker::jni_unlock(JavaThread* thread)" method and
provide implementations for GCH, PS, and G1 to get that count in Collect() method.
I hope I have done justification to Tony's approach.
I have modified a regression test (again from Tony's work) that verifies when "GCLocker Initiated GC"
occurs, It runs gc only if young generation occupancy is > 75%.
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