RFR: 8048556: Unnecessary GCLocker-initiated young GCs

Per Liden per.liden at oracle.com
Wed Jul 31 09:44:01 UTC 2019

Hi Kim,

Change looks good.


On 7/30/19 7:59 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:
> RFR: 8048556: Unnecessary GCLocker-initiated young GCs
> [Fairoz and I have agreed that I should take over this bug, in order
> to take things in a somewhat different direction.]
> Please review this change to the handling of GCLocker collections, to
> prevent unnecessary back-to-back GCs with the second having a nearly
> empty younggen to work with.
> There are two parts to this change.
> Part 1:
> When unlocking the last JNI critical section, we record the current
> number of collections for use when the associated _gc_locker
> collection is considered for VMOp enqueuing.
> Each of the STW collectors handles a _gc_locker cause specially,
> checking that the current number of collections is the same as when
> the JNI critical section ended.  This allows us to discard the
> _gc_locker request if there has been some other GC since the critical
> section ended, eliminating a race that could otherwise result in the
> _gc_locker collection immediately following some other collection.  If
> that test passes, it's still possible for the _gc_locker VMOp to be
> discarded because of another GC VMOp being ahead of it; that's as
> intended.
> This change is addressing the first problem discussed in Tony's
> analysis, the race after the GCLocker becomes inactive.  This change
> is sufficient to eliminate unnecessary _gc_locker collections
> immediately following another collection for G1.  It reduces, but does
> not eliminate the problem for the other STW collectors.
> Note that the (G1-specific) fix for JDK-7143858 is probably wrong.
> The GCLocker stalling should probably only be done if
> GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc() (like the other STW collectors),
> rather than just GCLocker::needs_gc().  What was done there is, I
> think, sort of an incomplete version of one of Tony's "Fix 1", and has
> some similar problems, as well as being insufficient on its own, and
> no longer needed with the changes here.  Reconsidering JDK-7143858 can
> be addressed later.
> Part 2:
> Fix confusion over full/nonfull collections in the non-G1 STW
> collectors. (G1 doesn't have this problem.)  ParallelGC and the GCH
> collectors were initializing VM_GC_Operation::_full to true, always,
> and then have some kludgy workaround attempts for some GCCauses.
> Instead, _full should be set appropriately for the cause (making
> skip_operation work properly), and used appropriately elsewhere.
> There remains some confusion about "full" collections around
> GTH::do_collection, but it doesn't seem to lead to unnecessary
> _gc_locker collections or other problems.  That can be addressed
> later.
> This change addresses the second problem discussed in Tony's analysis,
> the treatment of _gc_locker collections as sort of full and sort of
> not.  This change reduced but did not eliminate unnecessary _gc_locker
> collections for ParallelGC and GCH collectors.  However, used in
> conjunction with the Part 1 changes, they no longer seem to occur.
> Running the attached stress test for 10 minutes produced none, where
> the baseline without these changes might produce several hundred per
> minute for the GCH collectors.
> There are no changes to ZGC needed here; ZGC handles _gc_locker in an
> entirely different fashion that doesn't have the described problem.
> There are no changes to Shenandoah here; Shenandoah doesn't use the
> GCLocker mechanism, instead using object pinning.
> There are no changes to Epsilon here; Epsilon just ignores _gc_locker
> GC requests.
> The attached stress test is based on JNICriticalStressTest2.java from
> the bug report, converted into a jtreg test.  The functional test is
> run as a subprocess inheriting framework supplied options, with the
> associated GC log checked for GCLocker collections with small from
> space sizes; the test fails if there are any.  The test relies on GC
> option rotation by the testing framework to provide coverage of the
> various collectors.
> CR:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8048556
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kbarrett/8048556/open.00/
> Testing:
> mach5 tier1-5
> locally ran new test for 30 minutes with each STW collector.

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