RFR (L): 8230706: Waiting on completion of strong nmethod processing causes long pause times with G1

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Wed Oct 9 21:23:16 UTC 2019

> On Oct 8, 2019, at 7:48 PM, Kim Barrett <kim.barrett at oracle.com> wrote:
> src/hotspot/share/gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp
> 3874   if (collector_state()->in_initial_mark_gc()) {
> 3875     remark_strong_nmethods(per_thread_states);
> 3876   }
> I think this additional task and the associated pending strong nmethod
> sets in the pss can be eliminated by using a 2-bit tag and a more
> complex state machine earlier.

I thought about this some more and have some improvements to the
previous pseudo-code, including eliminating the loop in
strong_processor.  More careful consideration of the possible states
showed them to be more limited than I'd previously thought they were.
I hadn't noticed the benefit from delaying weak_processor's push onto
the global list and combining it with the transition to the "weak
done" state.

States, encoded in the link member of nmethod N:
- unclaimed: NULL
- weak: N, tag 00
- weak done: NEXT, tag 01
- weak, need strong: N, tag 10
- strong: NEXT, tag 11

where NEXT is the next nmethod in the global list, or N if it is the
last entry, e.g. self-loop indicates end of list.

    if n->link != NULL:
        # already claimed; nothing to do here.
    elif not replace_if_null(tagged(n, 0), &n->link):
        # just claimed by another thread; nothing to do here.
    # successfully claimed for weak processing.
    assert n->link == tagged(n, 0)
    # push onto global list.  self-loop end of list to avoid tagged NULL.
    # not pushing onto global list until ready to mark weak processing
    # done significantly simplifies the set of states.
    next = xchg(n, &_list_head) 
    if next == NULL: next = n 
    # try to install end of list + weak done tag.
    if cmpxchg(tagged(next, 1), &n->link, tagged(n, 0)) == tagged(n, 0):
    # failed, which means some other thread added strong request.
    assert n->link == tagged(n, 2)
    # do deferred strong processing.
    n->link = tagged(next, 3)

    raw_next = cmpxchg(tagged(n, 3), &n->link, NULL)
    if raw_next == NULL:
        # successfully claimed for strong processing.
        # push onto global list.  self-loop end of list to avoid tagged NULL.
        next = xchg(n, &_list_head)
        if next == NULL: next = n
        n->link = tagged(next, 3)
    # claim failed.  figure out why and handle it.
    next = strip_tag(raw_next)
    if raw_next == next:          # (raw_next - next) == 0
        # claim failed because being weak processed (state == "weak").
	# try to request deferred strong processing.
        assert next == tagged(n, 0)
        raw_next = cmpxchg(tagged(n, 2), &n->link, next)
        if (raw_next == next):
            # successfully requested deferred strong processing.
        # failed because of a concurrent transition.
	# no longer in "weak" state.
        next = strip_tag(raw_next)
    if (raw_next - next) >= 2:
        # already claimed for strong processing or requested for such.
    # weak processing is complete.
    # raw_next: tag == 1, NEXT == next list entry or N    
    if cmpxchg(tagged(NEXT, 3), &N->link, raw_next) == raw_next:
        # claimed "weak done" to "strong".
    # if claim failed then some other thread got it.

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