RFR(S) [15] : 8208243 : vmTestbase/gc/lock/jni/jnilock002/TestDescription.java fails in jdk/hs nightly

Igor Ignatyev igor.ignatyev at oracle.com
Thu Jul 2 18:02:06 UTC 2020

> 325 lines changed: 18 ins; 0 del; 307 mod;

Hi all,

could you please review the patch for nsk.share.gc.lock.jni.*CriticalLocker.cpp files which:
 - uses difftime to compare current_time and start_time;
 - calls FatalError if Get*Critical returns NULL so the test would fail w/ a more obvious error than 'Native hash: 0 != Java hash:...' and won't hide this problem in cases when Java hash happens to be 0 (which is currently always true for all but float/double arrays);
 - resets initial hash value in each iteration of while-loop;
 - aligns whitespace w/ usual hotspot code style.

testing: vmTestbase/gc/lock/jni on {linux,windows,macosx}-x64-{product,fastedebug} (w/ jnilock002 being removed from the problem-list)
JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8208243
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iignatyev//8208243/webrev.00

-- Igor

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