RFR (S) 8249140: fail to build hotspot with gcc-4.8.5(Internet mail)

linzang(臧琳) linzang at tencent.com
Thu Jul 9 13:48:05 UTC 2020

Hi Kim,
     I am OK with not making this change if the gcc version is old and and very shotly and buggy. It happened to me that my linux box use this version of gcc.
     Just curious about what is the minimal acceptable version of gcc for building hotspot, maybe gcc version later than 6?  
     I will close the issue with not fix. Thanks!

On 2020/7/9, 8:59 PM, "Kim Barrett" <kim.barrett at oracle.com> wrote:

    > On Jul 9, 2020, at 3:38 AM, linzang(臧琳) <linzang at tencent.com> wrote:
    > Hi
    >                May I ask your help to review the fix of 8249140, which cause hotspot build fail with gcc-4.8.5
    >              Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8249140
    >                Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lzang/8249140/webrev/
    >                Thanks!
    > BRs,
    > Lin

    The warnings appear to be a bug in that (extremely old) compiler
    version; the expressions involved clearly are constant expressions.
    Also, that compiler version will very shortly (hopefully within a
    couple of weeks) not work at all, because it lacks C++14 support.
    And the change itself does not make the code better in any other way.

    So I think this change should not be made.

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