RFR: 8241123: Refactor vmTestbase stress framework to use j.u.c and make creation of threads more flexible

Leonid Mesnik leonid.mesnik at oracle.com
Wed Mar 18 19:37:17 UTC 2020


Could you please review following fix which slightly refactor vmTestbase 
stress test harness. This refactoring helps to add virtual threads 
testing support.

The Wicket uses plain sync/wait/notify mechanism which cause carrier 
thread starvation and should not be used in virtual threads. The 
ManagedThread is a subclass of Thread so it couldn't be virtual thread.

Following fix changes Wicket to use locks/conditions to don't pin 
vthread to carrier thread while starting testing.

ManagedThread is fixed to keep execution thread as the thread variable 
and isolate it's creation.

was updated to don't use Wicket. (The lock has a reference to thread 
which affects test.)

Wicket "finished" in class ThreadsRunner was changed to atomicInt/sleep 
to avoid OOME in j.u.c.l.Condition::await() which might happened in 
stress GC tests.

webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lmesnik/8241123/webrev.00/

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241123


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