RFR (S) 8241139: Shenandoah: distribute mark-compact work exactly to minimize fragmentation

Roman Kennke rkennke at redhat.com
Mon Mar 23 12:36:57 UTC 2020

>> RFE:
>>   https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8241139
>> Was following up on why JLinkTest fails with Shenandoah. Figured out the dynamic work distribution
>> in mark-compact leaves alive regions in the middle of the heap. It is a generic problem with current
>> mark-compact implementation, as which regions get into each worker slice is time-dependent.
>> Consider the worst case scenario: two workers would have their slices interleaved, once slice is
>> fully alive, and other is fully dead. In the end, mark-compact would finish with the same
>> interleaved heap. A humongous allocation then fails. We need to plan the parallel sliding more
>> accurately. See the code comments about what new plan does.
>> Webrev:
>>   https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/8241139/webrev.01/
>> Testing: hotspot_gc_shenandoah; known-failing test; tier{1,2,3} (passed with previous version,
>> running with new version now); eyeballing shenandoah-visualizer
> Found the issue about distributing the tail: we cannot blindly do round-robin selection after every
> worker is full, because that unbalances the work again! So ditched that part for:
>  607       if (old_wid == wid) {
>  608         // Circled back to the same worker? This means liveness data was
>  609         // miscalculated. Bump the live_per_worker limit so that
>  610         // everyone gets the piece of the leftover work.
>  611         live_per_worker += ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words();
>  612       }
> Full webrev:
>   https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shade/8241139/webrev.02/
> Testing: hotspot_gc_shenandoah {fastdebug,release}; tier{1,2,3} in progress


Probably better to say 'everyone gets *a* piece of the leftover work' ?

No new webrev needed if you change this.


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