答复: 答复: Discussion about logging *Basic* statistic of evacuation failure

lihuaming (A) lihuaming3 at huawei.com
Tue Dec 7 13:05:26 UTC 2021

> So my current suggestion is this (I reordered them a bit - typically we are more concerned with timing than memory consumption :P), including the levels (with debug level the default):
> In-Place Collection (ms)            [I really do not like "Remove Self Forwards Total" ;)]
>   Sort Self Forward Refs (ms)
>   Remove Self Forwards (ms)
>   Reclaim Memory (ms)               [trace, probably not interesting most of the time, and can be deducted by subtraction]
>   Evacuation Failed Regions
>   Self Forwarded Objects
>   Self Forwarded Bytes              [trace]
>   Segments Memory                   [trace, depending on typical size]
>   Sort Memory                       [trace, depending on typical size]
Thanks a lot for the detailed suggestion. :)
>We can always improve this later, so I'd maybe wait for another suggestion for a day or so and then let's go ahead with this.

Sure, I will.


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