Integrated: 8267446: Taskqueue code fails with assert(bottom_relaxed() == age_top_relaxed()) failed: not empty

Kim Barrett kbarrett at
Mon May 24 22:47:38 UTC 2021

On Sun, 23 May 2021 01:08:46 GMT, Kim Barrett <kbarrett at> wrote:

> Please review this change to TaskTerminator to no longer verify the queues
> are empty in its destructor. The terminator's destructor may be called after
> the queues have been deleted, as happens in ~ZHeapIterator().
> There is no loss of error checking by this change.  The TaskTerminator
> already verifies the queues are empty on normal termination.
> Testing:
> mach5 tier1, hs-tier6-gc (the latter being where the failure showed up).
> The failure seems to be very intermittent; I've not been able to reproduce it.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: f6909596
Author:    Kim Barrett <kbarrett at>
Stats:     3 lines in 2 files changed: 2 ins; 1 del; 0 mod

8267446: Taskqueue code fails with assert(bottom_relaxed() == age_top_relaxed()) failed: not empty

Reviewed-by: stefank, pliden



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