A question about the present condition/plans of Dynamic Max Memory Limit

Katsutomo Sekiguchi (Fujitsu) k.sekiguchi at fujitsu.com
Thu Feb 2 07:21:42 UTC 2023

Dear Thomas Schatzl,

I'm interested in JEP-8204088.
Let me ask you two questions.

First, according to "RFR-8204088: Dynamic Max Memory Limit" (*1), I believe that there is the JEP-8204088 implementation in (*2) as modified files.
So, max_heap_size and Java.lang.Runtime#maxMemory() are implemented to adopt CurrentMaxHeapSize. However, it is not known where CurrentMaxHeapSize will be updated, and it does not appear to be implemented yet.
Where can I find the latest implementation of JEP-8204088?

*1: https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/hotspot-gc-dev/2018-June/022454.html
*2: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/jelastic/cmx/

Second, could you tell me more specifically about your future plans for JEP-8204088?
So, are there any technical barriers?

Kats Sekiguchi

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