You may want to set -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution or attach with VisualGC or VisualVM to check whether the survivor space should be increased to avoid premature tenuring of objects into old. Similarly, perhaps -Xmn should be increased depending of the lifespans of your objects. Note that -XX:+ParallelOldGC uses implicitly -XX:+UseParallelGC (the throughput collector) whereas -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC uses -XX:+UseParNewGC (the low-pause collector) so the characteristics of the collections will most likely change a bit. I don't know whether -XX:+UseParallelGC automagically also turns on -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizing or not. Ramki? In any case, since we can't see the cause of the FullGC, perhaps -XX:+HandlePromotionFailure could help if this is due to a Young Guarantee GC rather than an OldFull or OldTooFull GC. Another hypothesis could be that you are running out of Perm space. Perhaps you need to set -XX:PermSize=64M which would be equal to -XX:MaxPermSize default size of 64M as increases of Perm also cause FullGC. Lastly, is there any possibility of using multiple smaller JVMs to avoid the super-long pauses in this 12GB one?<br>
Cheers,<br>Fino<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 8:37 PM, Y Srinivas Ramakrishna <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Hi Karl --<br>
When the long response times are seen, the free memory jumps from about ~300 MB<br>
free to about ~4GB free. So it would seem as though the 60 s pauses are likely the<br>
serial compaction of the 12 GB heap. I would suggest either using -XX:+UseParalleOldGC<br>
(to compact the heap in parallel on the 4 cpus), or if that does not help enough (recall that<br>
1.5.0_XX was the first version of parallel compaction and many performance enhancements<br>
were made to it subsequently in 6uXX which are not in 1.5.0_XX), then try -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC.<br>
Tuning docs etc can be found starting from:<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
GC logs using -XX:+PrintGCDetails will of course clarify matters more. There may be other<br>
flags with each of the parallel old and cms collectors that would provide more statistics<br>
as to where the time is going.<br>
-- ramki<br>
<div><div></div><div class="Wj3C7c"><br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
From: Karl Rosenbaum <<a href=""></a>><br>
Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 7:59 am<br>
Subject: Long pauses with parallel collector<br>
To: <a href=""></a><br>
Cc: <a href=""></a>, Mattias Fredsberg <<a href=""></a>><br>
> Hi<br>
> We're experiencing long pauses (>60 seconds) using the parallel<br>
> collector and the serial compacting old generation collector (the<br>
> default choice on a server-class machine, right?). Unfortunately we<br>
> have<br>
> no logs from the gc, since this is a customer's installation and we<br>
> can't play around with that. But I do have memory statistics along<br>
> with<br>
> response time statistics. Before the problems started we didn't really<br>
> notice the collections but recently the collections took more than 60<br>
> seconds. This is measured using wget on a "ping"-servlet that returns<br>
> some memory statistics. The RESPTIME is measured by timing the<br>
> wget-command. FREE MEM, MEM TOTAL and MEM ALLOCATED are the results of<br>
> long freeMem = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();<br>
> long totalMem = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();<br>
> long allocMem = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory();<br>
> This is an example of the statistics before the problems started:<br>
> 10:59:49 1499233752 12724273152 12724273152 0.20<br>
> 10:59:59 1431576712 12724273152 12724273152 0.16<br>
> 11:00:09 1392930432 12724273152 12724273152 0.14<br>
> 11:00:19 1385974568 12724273152 12724273152 0.13<br>
> 11:00:30 1365510896 12724273152 12724273152 0.13<br>
> 11:00:40 1248830048 12724273152 12724273152 0.19<br>
> 11:00:50 1164298568 12724273152 12724273152 0.13<br>
> 11:01:00 1122874896 12724273152 12724273152 0.15<br>
> 11:01:10 1085027216 12724273152 12724273152 0.13<br>
> 11:01:20 952254960 12724273152 12724273152 0.14<br>
> 11:01:31 385638352 12724273152 12724273152 0.30<br>
> 11:01:41 3905940544 12717326336 12717326336 0.13<br>
> 11:01:51 3286915952 12717326336 12717326336 0.34<br>
> 11:02:01 1862466680 12717326336 12717326336 0.17<br>
> 11:02:12 1214561176 12717326336 12717326336 0.13<br>
> 11:02:22 937846336 12717326336 12717326336 0.13<br>
> 11:02:32 830626208 12717326336 12717326336 0.13<br>
> 11:02:42 591847776 12717326336 12717326336 0.13<br>
> 11:02:52 486858808 12717326336 12717326336 0.15<br>
> 11:03:02 405118840 12717326336 12717326336 0.12<br>
> 11:03:12 379997776 12717326336 12717326336 0.17<br>
> 11:03:23 4231164944 12723027968 12723027968 0.13<br>
> 11:03:33 2869501088 12723027968 12723027968 0.14<br>
> 11:03:43 2848014968 12723027968 12723027968 0.15<br>
> 11:03:53 2789025152 12723027968 12723027968 0.13<br>
> 11:04:03 2141846392 12723027968 12723027968 0.14<br>
> 11:04:13 1936386592 12723027968 12723027968 0.13<br>
> 11:04:24 1922345160 12723027968 12723027968 0.13<br>
> 11:04:34 1907951992 12723027968 12723027968 0.14<br>
> 11:04:44 1884581280 12723027968 12723027968 0.15<br>
> 11:04:54 1842599720 12723027968 12723027968 0.14<br>
> 11:05:04 1833357144 12723027968 12723027968 0.14<br>
> 11:05:14 819218528 12723027968 12723027968 0.15<br>
> 11:05:25 766194152 12723027968 12723027968 0.14<br>
> 11:05:35 738061968 12723027968 12723027968 0.14<br>
> 11:05:45 716541120 12723027968 12723027968 0.13<br>
> 11:05:55 690620328 12723027968 12723027968 0.13<br>
> 11:06:05 601896808 12723027968 12723027968 0.13<br>
> 11:06:15 3986587288 12721192960 12721192960 0.19<br>
> 11:06:26 3981820120 12721192960 12721192960 0.19<br>
> 11:06:36 3908686896 12721192960 12721192960 0.13<br>
> 11:06:46 3896673928 12721192960 12721192960 0.13<br>
> This is an example of the statistics after the problems started:<br>
> 15:26:13 132104472 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:26:23 89372112 12878741504 12878741504 0.21<br>
> 15:26:33 61732520 12878741504 12878741504 0.12<br>
> 15:26:43 15401280 12878741504 12878741504 12.14<br>
> 15:27:05 4074793624 12878741504 12878741504 64.57<br>
> 15:28:20 3378764376 12878741504 12878741504 0.12<br>
> 15:28:30 2858626704 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:28:40 491173584 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:28:50 414802056 12878741504 12878741504 0.92<br>
> 15:29:01 298133928 12878741504 12878741504 0.20<br>
> 15:29:12 4164253720 12878741504 12878741504 64.36<br>
> 15:30:26 3662076152 12878741504 12878741504 0.15<br>
> 15:30:36 1823630328 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:30:46 1338510584 12878741504 12878741504 0.12<br>
> 15:30:56 505714912 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:31:07 320903520 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:31:17 4179464600 12878741504 12878741504 71.62<br>
> 15:32:38 3001104680 12878741504 12878741504 0.47<br>
> 15:32:49 2593399336 12878741504 12878741504 0.13<br>
> 15:32:59 2478360368 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:33:09 2391502968 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:33:19 785466304 12878741504 12878741504 0.13<br>
> 15:33:29 4004574384 12878741504 12878741504 62.87<br>
> 15:34:42 2643636392 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:34:52 2387674096 12878741504 12878741504 0.15<br>
> 15:35:03 2226430872 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:35:13 1016694456 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:35:23 728910648 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:35:33 238095528 12878741504 12878741504 7.11<br>
> 15:35:50 215109328 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:36:00 4025070120 12878741504 12878741504 69.14<br>
> 15:37:19 2294767768 12878741504 12878741504 0.12<br>
> 15:37:30 1897269848 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:37:40 1832375800 12878741504 12878741504 0.30<br>
> 15:37:50 1741032976 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:38:00 1641480032 12878741504 12878741504 0.18<br>
> 15:38:10 774869968 12878741504 12878741504 7.20<br>
> 15:38:28 634489992 12878741504 12878741504 0.10<br>
> 15:38:38 274370880 12878741504 12878741504 3.11<br>
> 15:38:51 68896328 12878741504 12878741504 0.11<br>
> 15:39:01 31211120 12878741504 12878741504 0.15<br>
> 15:39:11 3997617032 12878741504 12878741504 60.77<br>
> As you can see, every collection results in a >60 seconds pause time.<br>
> The server have been restarted once between the two log snippets and<br>
> they are from different dates. The problem lasted indefinitely and all<br>
> collections seem to take this long.<br>
> We have now applied the CMS collector to "kill" these symptoms, but we<br>
> still need to understand what was going on here.<br>
> Do you have any suggestions on what the cause of this might be?<br>
> The server is a Solaris 10 sparc machine with 16GB memory and 4 cpus.<br>
> The java version is 1.5.0_11<br>
> These are the java parameters:<br>
> root@fp # pargs 10502<br>
> 10502: /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/bin/sparcv9/java -Xmx12288m<br>
> -Dmx=12288 -Djava.awt.h<br>
> argv[0]: /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.5.0/bin/sparcv9/java<br>
> argv[1]: -Xmx12288m<br>
> argv[2]: -Dmx=12288<br>
> argv[3]: -Djava.awt.headless=true<br>
> argv[4]: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8<br>
> argv[5]: -Djava.library.path=/opt/FOCAfp/lib<br>
> argv[6]: -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager<br>
> argv[7]: -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/FOCAtomcat/common/endorsed<br>
> argv[8]: -classpath<br>
> argv[9]:<br>
> :/opt/FOCAtomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/FOCAtomcat/bin/commons-logging-api.jar<br>
> argv[10]: -Dcatalina.base=/opt/FOCAtomcat<br>
> argv[11]: -Dcatalina.home=/opt/FOCAtomcat<br>
> argv[12]:<br>
> argv[13]: org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap<br>
> argv[14]: start<br>
> Best regards,<br>
> Karl Rosenbaum<br>
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</div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Michael Finocchiaro<br><a href=""></a><br>Mobile Telephone: +33 6 67 90 64 39<br>MSN: <a href=""></a>