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<tt>Hi Thomas,<br>
The fix you made is certainly safe but it makes the test weaker.<br>
As I see from your explanation the timeout happens only on very
slow machines.<br>
What if test tries to detect if the machine is slow or not and set
the iteration number accordingly.<br>
I mean something like:<br>
<pre><tt>int iterations = 20;</tt></pre>
<pre><tt>if (</tt><code><span class="typ">Runtime</span><span class="pun">.</span><span class="pln">getRuntime</span><span class="pun">().</span><span class="pln">availableProcessors</span><span class="pun">()</span></code> <tt>< 2 || </tt></pre>
<pre> <code><span class="typ">Runtime</span><span class="pun">.</span><span class="pln">getRuntime</span><span class="pun">().</span></code><code>maxMemory() < 1G)</code> {</pre>
<pre> // perhaps the machine is slow, reducing iterations to avoid timeout</pre>
<pre><tt> iterations = 2;</tt></pre>
<pre style="" class="lang-java prettyprint prettyprinted"><code><span class="typ">
Another suggestion (not related to that bug). What if update the test to check with various region sizes?
Not only with 1M?
</span><span class="pun"></span></code></pre>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 07.08.2014 19:43, Thomas Schatzl
<blockquote cite="mid:1407426202.2631.27.camel@cirrus" type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Hi all,
can I have reviews for this following tiny change? The test mentioned
in the subject times out on very slow machines (Atom N-270) on aurora.
This is fixed by decreasing the number of internal runs of the test.
The given value (2) has been determined to take ~1min on that machine,
while preserving the crash reproducability without the fix on large
machines. Going lower makes the test not fail sometimes.
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8054362">https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8054362</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8054362/webrev/">http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tschatzl/8054362/webrev/</a>
test case, jprt