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Hi all,<br>
I suspect a bug in G1 logging. Before I file a (possibly incorrect)
bug I would like to ask here.<br>
Is my understanding correct that the stw evacuation phase starts at
<tt><font color="#ff0000"><b>48448.931</b></font></tt> and ends at <tt><b><font
color="#ff0000">48454</font></b><b><font color="#ff0000">.034</font></b></tt>
This would mean a stop time of 5.103 s, which is clearly a mismatch
to the reported <b><small><font color="#ff0000">9.3426141</font></small></b>
If the stw phase in fact started at a later time e.g. at <tt><b><font
color="#ff0000">48449.288 </font></b></tt>then the stop pause
would have been even shorter.<br>
In addition I do not understand how all the relatively short
evacuation phases sum up to several seconds.<br>
If I add all the MAX values <b><font color="#00cccc"><tt>69.1 + </tt><tt>22.2</tt>
+ <tt>45</tt><tt> + 150.8 + </tt><tt>0.1</tt> + <tt>155.1</tt>
+ <tt>0.9 + </tt><tt>0.5</tt></font></b><small> <b><font
color="#00cccc">= 443.7</font></b><b><font color="#00cccc">ms</font></b></small><br>
</tt><tt>48443.380: Total time for which application threads were
stopped: 0.0084701 seconds</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt><font color="#ff0000"><b>48448.931</b></font>: [GC pause
(mixed) 48448.931: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) start
choosing CSet, _pending_cards: 89458, predicted base time: 73.58
ms, remaining time: 176.42 ms, target pause time: 250.00 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> 48448.931: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) add young
regions to CSet, eden: 33 regions, survivors: 5 regions, predicted
young region time: 35.73 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> 48448.933: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish adding
old regions to CSet, reason: reclaimable percentage not over
threshold, old: 19 regions, max: 77 regions, reclaimable:
2570649712 bytes (9.98 %), threshold: 10.00 %]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> 48448.933: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) added
expensive regions to CSet, reason: old CSet region num not reached
min, old: 19 regions, expensive: 7 regions, min: 26 regions,
remaining time: 0.00 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> 48448.933: [G1Ergonomics (CSet Construction) finish
choosing CSet, eden: 33 regions, survivors: 5 regions, old: 19
regions, predicted pause time: 340.58 ms, target pause time:
250.00 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>48449.252: [SoftReference, 962 refs, 0.0064679
secs]48449.259: [WeakReference, 7411 refs, 0.0027722
secs]48449.261: [FinalReference, 272 refs, 0.0022754
secs]48449.264: [PhantomReference, 6 refs, 0.0024348
secs]48449.266: [JNI Weak Reference, 0.0000337 secs] 48449.288:
[G1Ergonomics (Concurrent Cycles) do not request concurrent cycle
initiation, reason: still doing mixed collections, occupancy:
14898167808 bytes, allocation request: 0 bytes, threshold:
11596411665 bytes (45.00 %), source: end of GC]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> <b><font color="#ff0000">48449.288</font></b>:
[G1Ergonomics (Mixed GCs) do not continue mixed GCs, reason:
reclaimable percentage not over threshold, candidate old regions:
156 regions, reclaimable: 2570649712 bytes (9.98 %), threshold:
10.00 %]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>, 0.3573636 secs]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Parallel Time: 314.9 ms, GC Workers: 40]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [GC Worker Start (ms): Min: 48448933.6, Avg:
48448934.2, Max: 48448934.7, Diff: 1.1]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Ext Root Scanning (ms): Min: 15.1, Avg: 17.7, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">69.1</font></b>, Diff: 54.0, Sum: 708.0]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Update RS (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 14.5, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">22.2</font></b>, Diff: 22.2, Sum: 580.3]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Processed Buffers: Min: 0, Avg: 22.0, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">45</font></b>, Diff: 45, Sum: 879]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Scan RS (ms): Min: 88.7, Avg: 142.6, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">150.8</font></b>, Diff: 62.1, Sum: 5705.2]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Code Root Scanning (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.0, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">0.1</font></b>, Diff: 0.1, Sum: 0.1]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Object Copy (ms): Min: 131.4, Avg: 138.2, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">155.1</font></b>, Diff: 23.8, Sum: 5526.6]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Termination (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.7, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">0.9</font></b>, Diff: 0.9, Sum: 27.2]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [GC Worker Other (ms): Min: 0.0, Avg: 0.3, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">0.5</font></b>, Diff: 0.5, Sum: 10.0]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [GC Worker Total (ms): Min: 313.2, Avg: 313.9, Max: <b><font
color="#00cccc">314.7</font></b>, Diff: 1.5, Sum: 12557.5]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [GC Worker End (ms): Min: 48449247.9, Avg:
48449248.1, Max: 48449248.4, Diff: 0.5]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Code Root Fixup: 2.2 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Code Root Migration: 0.2 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Clear CT: 2.0 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Other: 38.2 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Choose CSet: 1.7 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Ref Proc: 15.6 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Ref Enq: 1.2 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Free CSet: 2.4 ms]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Eden: 1056.0M(1056.0M)->0.0B(1088.0M) Survivors:
160.0M->128.0M Heap: 14.5G(24.0G)->13.9G(24.0G)]</tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt> [Times: user=12.45 sys=0.03, real=0.36 secs] </tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt><b><font color="#ff0000">48454</font></b><b><font
color="#ff0000">.034</font></b>: Total time for which
application threads were stopped: <b><font color="#ff0000">9.3426141</font></b>
For completeness; here are the cmd line options:<br>
/usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.7.0/bin/sparcv9/java -Xms24g -Xmx24g
-server -XX:StringTableSize=27001 -XX:PermSize=512m
-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xss512k <br>
-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=500 -XX:+PrintGCDetails
-XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10
-XX:GCLogFileSize=10m -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime
-XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:ParallelGCThreads=40
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32m
-XX:HeapBaseMinAddress=2G <br>
Thanks and Regards<br>
Thomas <br>
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<font color="#666666" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
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