RFR: 8214776: Avoid GCC 8.X strncpy() errors in JFR code

Simon Tooke stooke at redhat.com
Mon Dec 10 15:25:20 UTC 2018

This small patch fixes some simple warnings in JFR code, found by GCC 8.1
Essentially, any code sequence of the pattern

    int l = strlen(somestring)
    char* buffer = malloc(l + 1)
    strncpy(buffer, somestring, l)
    buffer[l] = 0

is replaced by

    int len = strlen(somestring)
    char* buffer = malloc(len + 1)
    strncpy(buffer, somestring, len + 1)

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214776

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