RFR: 8203929: Limit amount of data for JFR.dump

Markus Gronlund markus.gronlund at oracle.com
Sat Jun 23 10:14:15 UTC 2018

Hi Erik,

I am reading through the code and making some annotations. I have attached a description of my first pass of things, thought I send it your way so you have something to start with, more to come.

Do note the informal character of the review file, some sections are mainly clarifications for my own understanding, but I think you can infer from the context what are questions and suggestions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Gahlin 
Sent: den 21 juni 2018 18:16
To: hotspot-jfr-dev at openjdk.java.net; Andrew Gross <andrew.gross at oracle.com>
Subject: RFR: 8203929: Limit amount of data for JFR.dump


Could I have a a review of an enhancement that will simplify the usage of JFR.dump and make it possible to copy parts of a recording to a file.  For more information, see the CSR:




Tests in test/jdk/jdk/jfr

-------------- next part --------------

// To be used internally when doing dumps.
 297     // Caller must have recorder lock and close recording before releasing lock
 298     public PlatformRecording newSnapshotClone(String reason, Boolean pathToGcRoots) throws IOException {
 299         if(!Thread.holdsLock(recorder)) {
 300             throw new InternalError("Caller msut have recorder lock"); <<-- "msut" -> "must"
 301         }

            clone.setDestination(this.destination); <<-- is this really needed? What is this used for in relation to the clone?

 323         // We purposely don't clone settings, since <<-- says we dont clone settings [just here?] but later down that is what is done
 324         // a union a == a
 325         if (!isToDisk()) {
 326             // force memory contents to disk
 327             clone.start();
 328         } else {
 329             // using existing chunks on disk
 330             for (RepositoryChunk c : chunks) {
 331                 clone.add(c);
 332             }
 333             clone.setState(RecordingState.RUNNING);
 334             clone.setStartTime(getStartTime());
 335         }
 336         if (pathToGcRoots == null) {
 337             clone.setSettings(getSettings()); // needed for old object sample <<<-- but here that is exactly what happens, that is settings are cloned
 338             clone.stop(reason); // dumps to destination path here
 339         } else {
 340             // Risk of violating lock order here, since
 341             // clone.stop() will take recorder lock inside
 342             // metadata lock, but OK if we already
 343             // have recorder lock when we entered metadata lock
 344             synchronized (MetadataRepository.getInstance()) {
 345                 clone.setSettings(OldObjectSample.createSettingsForSnapshot(this, pathToGcRoots)); <<-- what is this settings snapshot? Is it getSettings() + OldObjectSample?

 346                 clone.stop(reason);
 347             }
 348         }
 349         return clone;


 112     // To be used internally when doing dumps.
 113     // Caller must have recorder lock and close recording before releasing lock
 114     public PlatformRecording newTemporaryRecording() {
                                                                <<-- insert assertions if(!Thread.holdsLock(recorder))
 115         return newRecording(new HashMap<>(), 0);
 116     }

 // passing in the newTemporaryRecording with id 0

   public synchronized void fillWithRecordedData(PlatformRecording target, Boolean pathToGcRoots) {
        boolean running = false;
        boolean toDisk = false;

        for (PlatformRecording r : recordings) { // iterate all running recordings to find out state RUNNING and disk / memory recording
            if (r.getState() == RecordingState.RUNNING) {
                running = true;
                if (r.isToDisk()) {
                    toDisk = true; <<-- is any recording running that record to disk?
        // If needed, flush data from memory
        if (running) {
            if (toDisk) {
                OldObjectSample.emit(recordings, pathToGcRoots); <<-- already recording to disk, issue OldObjectSample emit and then do a regular rotation (finalize chunk)
            } else { <<--- recording but only to memory
                try (PlatformRecording snapshot = newTemporaryRecording()) { // create another snapshot recording? <<-- why do we need to do this again? We are already passed a temporary recording with id 0. Can't we just use that directly? Then the chunks will populate automatically?
                    OldObjectSample.emit(recordings, pathToGcRoots);
                    snapshot.stop("Snapshot dump");
        fillWithDisckChunks(target); <<-- nothing is currently running

// is this an alternative for the else clause (running recordings but only to memory)

} else { <<--- recording but only to memory
   OldObjectSample.emit(recordings, pathToGcRoots);
   target.stop("Snapshot dump");

   // in this case, would there even be a need to call fillWithDiskChunks(target) here? Don't we already have everything populated now (all chunks added on stop?)

    private void fillWithDisckChunks(PlatformRecording target) {
        for (RepositoryChunk c : makeChunkList(null, null)) {
            target.add(c); <<-- adding all chunks that came out of the starttime and enttime filtered list of chunks (is the chunk "in" the interval?), but since they are null, all chunks are added

        Instant startTime = null;
        Instant endTime = null;

        for (RepositoryChunk c : makeChunkList(null, null)) { <<-- same iteration again, cant you just iterate the chunks of the target now, since they were popluated above
            if (startTime == null || c.getStartTime().isBefore(startTime)) {
                startTime = c.getStartTime();
            if (endTime == null || c.getEndTime().isAfter(endTime)) {
                endTime = c.getEndTime();

        // here the start and endtime would reflect the first chunk and the last chunk

        Instant now = Instant.now();
        if (startTime == null) {
            startTime = now;
        if (endTime == null) {
            endTime = now;

        target.setStartTime(startTime); <<-
        target.setStopTime(endTime); <<-- to cover the added chunks
        target.setInternalDuration(Duration.between(startTime, endTime));

    private List<RepositoryChunk> makeChunkList(Instant startTime, Instant endTime) {
        Set<RepositoryChunk> chunkSet = new HashSet<>();
        for (PlatformRecording r : getRecordings()) {

        if (chunkSet.size() > 0) {
            List<RepositoryChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>(chunkSet.size());

            for (RepositoryChunk rc : chunkSet) {

                if (rc.inInterval(startTime, endTime)) {
            // n*log(n), should be able to do n*log(k) with a priority queue,
            // where k = number of recordings, n = number of chunks
            Collections.sort(chunks, RepositoryChunk.END_TIME_COMPARATOR); <<-- sorted on entime
            return chunks;

        return Collections.emptyList();


502     public static String makeFilename(Recording recording) {
 503         String pid = JVM.getJVM().getPid();
 504         String date = Repository.REPO_DATE_FORMAT.format(LocalDateTime.now());
 505         String id = recording == null ? "x" : Long.toString(recording.getId()); <<--  "x" ?? What is x? Just a placeholder that signifies "all"? Maybe use "all". or "0"?
 506         return "hotspot-" + "pid-" + pid + "-id-" + id + "-" + date + ".jfr";
 507     }


     * @param name name or id of the recording to dump, or <code>null</code> <<-- "or null" for what? to dump everything i guess? Can we state this here?

     * @param maxSzie how far back in size to dump, may be null <<<-- maxSzie --> maxSize

     * @param begin point in time to dump data from, may be null <<-- some descriptions says "dump data" others just "dump". Make consistent? I suggest only use "dump".

     * @param time point in time from where the dump should occur from, may be null <<-- this is obsolete right? there is no "time" parameter

  85         if (FlightRecorder.getFlightRecorder().getRecordings().isEmpty()) {
  86             throw new DCmdException("No recodings to dump from. Use JFR.start to start a recording."); <<-- "no recodings" -> "no recordings"
  87         }

"No recodings to dump from. " -> "No recordings to dump. Use..."
 102         if (maxSize!= null)  -> if (maxSize != null) {

  public void dump(PlatformRecorder recorder, Recording recording, String name, String filename, Long maxSize, Boolean pathToGcRoots, Instant beginTime, Instant endTime) throws DCmdException {
 137         try (PlatformRecording r = newSnapShot(recorder, recording, pathToGcRoots)) {
 138             r.filter(beginTime, endTime, maxSize);
 139             if (r.getChunks().isEmpty()) {
 140                 throw new DCmdException("Failed to dump. No data found in the specified interval.");
 141             }
 142             SafePath dumpFile = resolvePath(recording, filename);
 144             // Needed for JVM
 145             Utils.touch(dumpFile.toPath());
 146             r.dumpStopped(new WriteableUserPath(dumpFile.toPath()));
 147             reportOperationComplete("Dumped", name, dumpFile);
 148         } catch (IOException | InvalidPathException e) {
 149             throw new DCmdException("Failed to dump. Could not copy recording data. %s", e.getMessage());
 150         }
 151     }

 private PlatformRecording newSnapShot(PlatformRecorder recorder, Recording recording, Boolean pathToGcRoots) throws DCmdException, IOException {
        if (recording == null) {
            // Operate on all recordings
            PlatformRecording snapshot = recorder.newTemporaryRecording();
            recorder.fillWithRecordedData(snapshot, pathToGcRoots);
            return snapshot;

        PlatformRecording pr = PrivateAccess.getInstance().getPlatformRecording(recording);
        return pr.newSnapshotClone("Dumped by user", pathToGcRoots);

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