PING: RFR 8218631: jfr tools is effective only the last filter

Chihiro Ito chihiro.ito at
Sun Apr 28 08:09:13 UTC 2019

Hi Erik,

I'm grad to help you fix the issue. As you suggested, I would appreciate 
it if you could set me as a contributor.


On 2019/04/18 5:11, Erik Gahlin wrote:
> Hi Chihiro,
> Another issue surfaced that would have been fixed by your patch. See
> "8221569: JFR tool produces incorrect output when both --category and 
> --event are specified"
> I modified your patch and added checks to prevent --categories and 
> --events to be specified multiple times.
> Webrev:
> If you like I can set you as contributor and sponsor it for you? (and 
> close 8221569 as a duplicate)
> (An argument can be made that a user should be able to specify 
> --events multiple times and get the union, but that is not according 
> to spec. which is  [--events <filter>] without repeat. Having multiple 
> ways to achieve the same goal may confuse users, i.e. did the event 
> not get printed because of multiple --events parameters, or because it 
> was not in the file?)
> Thanks
> Erik
>> Hi Chihiro,
>> If you want to use multiple filters, you can specify them like this:
>> —events filter1,filter2,filter3
>> —categories filter1,filter2,filter2
>> We could add an error message, if a user specifies the —events flag 
>> more than once, and describe how multiple filters can be specified, 
>> but I don’t think there should be multiple ways to specify filters.
>> Thanks
>> Erik
>>> On 21 Feb 2019, at 08:38, Chihiro Ito <chihiro.ito at> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Could you review this change, please?
>>> webrev:
>>> JBS:
>>> This change passed all tests in test-tier1.
>>> Regards,
>>> Chihiro
>>> On 2019/02/08 2:46, Chihiro Ito wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Could you review this change, please?
>>>> I have referred to the setting of Xlog, and I changed this should 
>>>> enable every filter as follows.
>>>> jfr print --events jdk.JVMInformation --events jdk.OSInformation 
>>>> profiling-recording4399235951575204469.jfr
>>>> jdk.JVMInformation {
>>>>   startTime = 17:40:16.536
>>>>   jvmName = "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM"
>>>>   jvmVersion = "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (fastdebug 
>>>> 13-internal+0-adhoc.chito.jdk) for linux-amd64 JRE 
>>>> (13-internal+0-adhoc.chito.jdk), built on Feb  5 2019 23:57:41 by 
>>>> "chito" with gcc 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28.0.1)"
>>>>   jvmArguments = 
>>>> "-Dtest.class.path.prefix=/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/classes/jdk/jfr/tool/TestPrintDefault.d:/src/jdk/test/jdk/jdk/jfr/tool:/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/classes/test/lib:/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/classes/test/jdk 
>>>> -Dtest.src=/src/jdk/test/jdk/jdk/jfr/tool 
>>>> -Dtest.src.path=/src/jdk/test/jdk/jdk/jfr/tool:/src/jdk/test/lib:/src/jdk/test/jdk 
>>>> -Dtest.classes=/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/classes/jdk/jfr/tool/TestPrintDefault.d 
>>>> -Dtest.class.path=/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/classes/jdk/jfr/tool/TestPrintDefault.d:/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/classes/test/lib:/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/classes/test/jdk 
>>>> -Dtest.vm.opts=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=25 -ea -esa 
>>>> -Dtest.tool.vm.opts=-J-Xmx512m -J-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=25 -J-ea 
>>>> -J-esa -Dtest.compiler.opts= 
>>>> -Dtest.jdk=/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk 
>>>> -Dcompile.jdk=/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk 
>>>> -Dtest.timeout.factor=4.0 -Dtest.modules=java.scripting jdk.jfr 
>>>> -Dtest.nativepath=/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/images/test/jdk/jtreg/native 
>>>> --add-modules=java.scripting,jdk.jfr -Xmx512m 
>>>> -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=25 -ea -esa 
>>>> -Djava.library.path=/src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/images/test/jdk/jtreg/native"
>>>>   jvmFlags = N/A
>>>>   javaArguments = "com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper 
>>>> /src/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/test-support/jtreg_test_jdk_jdk_jfr_tool_TestPrintDefault_java/jdk/jfr/tool/TestPrintDefault.d/main.0.jta"
>>>>   jvmStartTime = 17:39:51.394
>>>>   pid = 23337
>>>> }
>>>> jdk.OSInformation {
>>>>   startTime = 17:40:16.542
>>>>   osVersion = "Oracle Linux Server release 7.5
>>>> uname:Linux localhost.localdomain 4.1.12-112.16.4.el7uek.x86_64 #2 
>>>> SMP Mon Mar 12 23:57:12 PDT 2018 x86_64
>>>> libc:glibc 2.17 NPTL 2.17
>>>> "
>>>> }
>>>> webrev:
>>>> JBS:
>>>> This change passed all tests in test-tier1.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chihiro

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