RFR(T): 8235356: [TESTBUG] Disable 'producer is alive' check in JFR TestCrossProcessStreaming

Mikhailo Seledtsov mikhailo.seledtsov at oracle.com
Wed Dec 4 20:29:04 UTC 2019

Please review this change that disables a specific check/assertion in 
the JFR TestCrossProcessStreaming test, until the underlying issue is 
resolved. Underlying issue is: "8235206: JFR 
api.consumer.streaming.TestCrossProcessStreaming.java fails with 
RuntimeException: Too few events are delivered while producer is alive: 
expected that 1 <= 0" is resolved."

     JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8235356
     Testing: ran the updated test: PASS

--- a/test/jdk/jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/TestCrossProcessStreaming.java
+++ b/test/jdk/jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/TestCrossProcessStreaming.java
@@ -126,8 +126,9 @@

          // Expected that some portion of events emitted by the 
producer are delivered
          // to the consumer while producer is still alive, at least one 
event for certain.
-        Asserts.assertLTE(1, ce.whileProducerAlive.get(),
-                           "Too few events are delivered while producer 
is alive");
+        // Assertion below is disabled due to: JDK-8235206
+        // Asserts.assertLTE(1, ce.whileProducerAlive.get(),
+        //                   "Too few events are delivered while 
producer is alive");

Thank you,

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