AllocationRequiringGC stacktrace precision

Markus Gronlund markus.gronlund at
Thu Jun 13 22:16:23 UTC 2019

Hi Milan,

Would you be able to create a small reproducer that demonstrates this behavior you are seeing?

It would help a lot.

Thanks in advance

-----Original Message-----
From: Milan Mimica <milan.mimica at> 
Sent: den 13 juni 2019 21:33
To: hotspot-jfr-dev at
Subject: AllocationRequiringGC stacktrace precision

Hello List

I've been using JFR Java API to track allocations that are of interests to me. I'm focused on large allocations that trigger AllocationRequiringGC event. I came across this event I can't explain:

This is the top of the stack trace
at java.lang.Integer#valueOf line: 1050

and jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedObject#getValue("size") says it allocated about 8MB.

Happened using version 11.0.3, with G1.
This makes me wonder how reliable the stack-traces that come with events are? I've been looking at hotspot code and I would say that the java thread is blocked while waiting for allocation and it's safe to take a snapshot of its stack. I'm I missing something?

Milan Mimica

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