PING: Re: RFR: 8219904: ClassCastException when calling FlightRecorderMXBean#getRecordings()

Chihiro Ito chiroito107 at
Thu Nov 28 15:36:14 UTC 2019

Hi Erik,

Thank you for your review.

I fixed the connection method to use attach and checked the property
"toDisk" is existing.
Could you please review this again?

Webrev :


2019年11月27日(水) 0:07 Erik Gahlin <erik.gahlin at>:

> Hi,
> If you can test this without connecting over the network it would be good.
> Not sure if it  helps, but it is possible to attach to the same process if
> you set the system property at startup, -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true
> Could you also check if the property "toDisk" is missing, and if so check
> if "disk" is set, and if so use it. This is in the case somebody called the
> RecordingInfo:: from with "disk" (as the javadoc stated previously). Not
> sure why anyone would do so, but that way we will prevent code from
> breaking.
> Thanks
> Erik
> On 2019-11-26 15:45, Chihiro Ito wrote:
> Hi,
> Could you please review this?
> Regards,
> Chihiro
> 2019年11月19日(火) 0:54 Chihiro Ito <chiroito107 at>:
>> Hi Erik,
>> I fixed the implementation. Could you review this, please?
>> After your review, may I copy the diff of RecordingInfo class into the
>> specification section?
>> This is my first time to do CSR, so I'm sorry if I made a mistake in the
>> procedure.
>> Webrev :
>> JBS :
>> CSR :
>> Regards,
>> Chihiro
>> 2019年11月18日(月) 9:24 Erik Gahlin <erik.gahlin at>:
>>> Hi Chihiro,
>>> I created a CSR draft:
>>> If you fix the implementation, we can then copy the changes to the
>>> RecordingInfo class (in a diff format) in the specification section.
>>> Thanks
>>> Erik
>>> On 17 Nov 2019, at 16:14, Chihiro Ito <chiroito107 at> wrote:
>>> Hi Erik,
>>> I also think It is better.
>>> I would like you to help me submit CSR.
>>> Regards,
>>> Chihiro
>>> 2019年11月14日(木) 2:46 Erik Gahlin <erik.gahlin at>:
>>>> Hi Chihiro,
>>>> I think it would be better to change the javadoc from "disk" to
>>>> "toDisk" and not add a new method the RecordingInfo class as this is less
>>>> of an intrusive change, to JMC and others.
>>>> Still, a CSR needs to be filed, as this impacts compatibility. Do you
>>>> want help with this?
>>>> The constructor could support both disk and toDisk, similar to what you
>>>> have today.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Erik
>>>> On 2019-11-13 14:12, Chihiro Ito wrote:
>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>> Could you please review this?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chihiro
>>>> 2019年10月25日(金) 0:43 Chihiro Ito <chiroito107 at>:
>>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>>> I leave the isToDisk method to maintain compatibility so that I can
>>>>> connect to Java processes that this issue does not resolve.
>>>>> The isToDisk method was deprecated.
>>>>> Could you review this, please?
>>>>> JBS
>>>>> webrev
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Chihiro
>>>>> 2019年10月24日(木) 1:12 Chihiro Ito <chiroito107 at>:
>>>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>>>> Thank you for prompt reply.
>>>>>> I also checked the Javadoc. The key should be disk.
>>>>>> > Is "toDisk" synthesized from the method name "isToDisk" in
>>>>>> > RecordingInfo, or is it set somewhere else?
>>>>>> Yes, it appears to be composited from the isToDisk method.
>>>>>> For compatibility, I think you should leave the isToDisk method and
>>>>>> add @Deprecate, what do you think?
>>>>>> This problem occurs when attaching over a network or to a process.
>>>>>> The process is connected over the network because it cannot be attached to
>>>>>> its own process.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Chihiro
>>>>>> 2019年10月21日(月) 21:13 Erik Gahlin <erik.gahlin at>:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> The javadoc states that the key should be "disk" (which is the same
>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>> by jcmd and -XX:StartFlightRecording).
>>>>>>> Is "toDisk" synthesized from the method name "isToDisk" in
>>>>>>> RecordingInfo, or is it set somewhere else?
>>>>>>> Do the problem only occur if you access RecordingInfo over network?
>>>>>>> I am
>>>>>>> asking since you added a port to the test.
>>>>>>> Erik
>>>>>>> > Hi
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I fixed a problem with ClassCastException. Also, I fixed the
>>>>>>> CompositeData
>>>>>>> > field name because it was incorrect.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Could you please review it?
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > JBS
>>>>>>> > Webrev
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > The comment on the JBS mentions UneclaredThrowableException, which
>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>> > different issue.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>>> > Chihiro

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