Increasing heap usage with recording stream

Gunnar Morling gunnar at
Mon Dec 7 09:20:01 UTC 2020


I'm using a JDK 14 RecordingStream, and I observe an ever-increasing heap
usage as my application keeps running. The reference chain is

    JFR Event Stream Thread -> jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.ChunkParser ->
parsers jdk.jfr.internal.LongMap -> objects java.lang.Object[512]  ->
jdk.jfr.internal.consumer.EventParser -> cached

I.e. that array "RecordedEvent[] cached" is continuously growing. Is this a
usage error on my end? I was looking for some sort of flush() or similar
API on RecordingStream, but can't find such a method.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot,


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