RFR: 8238705: [TESTBUG] jfr/event/gc/stacktrace/TestMetaspace* are stable with Xcomp on AArch64

Nick Gasson nick.gasson at arm.com
Tue Feb 25 10:24:02 UTC 2020


Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8238705
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ngasson/8238705/webrev.0/

These tests have been disabled on AArch64 with -Xcomp since the original
JFR check-in. I can't see any reason for this and it probably relates to
the proprietary Oracle arm64 port that has now been removed. I ran the
tests multiple times on different AArch64 machines with no failure.


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