RFR: 8223066: jfr metadata" output the @Name annotation twice

Chihiro Ito chiroito107 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 06:48:37 UTC 2020

Hi Erik,

So you decided on the revision policy.
For this bug, I have already written a patch and I am waiting for you to
finish the discussion of the fix policy and review the patch.




2020年1月16日(木) 23:35 Erik Gahlin <erik.gahlin at oracle.com>:

> Hi,
> Could I have a review of a fix that makes sure @Name annotation is not
> printed twice.
> There are multiple things at hand:
> 1) What will produced in the file
> 2) What the consumer API exposes
> 3) What the 'jfr' tool prints.
> This fix will only deal with 3.
> Regardless if 1 are fixed later, old recordings can be printed by a
> newer JDKs so this fix is needed anyway. Doing 1 and 2 is more
> complicated as there are compatibility aspects and consistency of the
> API to think about.
> Types that lacks a package name will not get the @Name annotation as it
> is not needed to describe them.
> Thanks to Chihiro for finding the issue and doing initial work on this.
> Bug:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8223066
> Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~egahlin/8223066/
> Testing:
> jdk/jdk/jfr
> Thanks
> Erik

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