PING: RFR: 8233373: hs_err should report the location of JFR files

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Tue Jan 21 20:39:40 UTC 2020

Adding the JFR folks to this review thread...

It would be good if one JFR person chimed in here...


On 1/21/20 1:21 PM, coleen.phillimore at wrote:
> This code looks fine to me.
> Small nit.  Can you change:
> + const char *path = NULL;
> +
> + path = Jfr::get_emergency_dump_path();
> to one line:
> + const char *path =Jfr::get_emergency_dump_path();
> Thanks,
> Coleen
> On 1/18/20 9:19 PM, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> PING: Could you review it?
>>>    JBS:
>>>    webrev:
>> I believe this enhancement helps troubleshooters for postmortem 
>> analysis with JFR.
>> Yasumasa
>> On 2019/12/13 11:10, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>> (Add hotspot-runtime-dev)
>>> PING: Could you review it?
>>>    JBS:
>>>    webrev:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yasumasa
>>> On 2019/11/29 23:37, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>> Hi Markus,
>>>> How about this?
>>>> I do no agree to pass outputStream instance to JFR implementation 
>>>> in HotSpot because we need to consider
>>>> '#' and indents.
>>>> I think it might be hard to maintain if "#" and indents would be 
>>>> printed in different place.
>>>> So I want to add getters for emergency dump path and repository 
>>>> path to Jfr class.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Yasumasa
>>>> On 2019/11/29 19:26, Markus Gronlund wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have not looked at all the details yet, but from a high level:
>>>>> You should try to keep JFR specific logic encapsulated in JFR code 
>>>>> as much as possible. jfrRepository.hpp and jfrEmergencyDump.hpp 
>>>>> are internal modules, so they should not leak out into vmError.cpp.
>>>>> The jfr.hpp is the external interface for the VM to interact 
>>>>> directly with JFR. I would hope that there is only one invocation 
>>>>> needed in vmError.cpp, something like 
>>>>> JFR_ONLY(Jfr::on_error_reporting(outputStream* out);).
>>>>> If there are multiple callouts needed to coordinate the layout, 
>>>>> then you might need multiple entries in jfr.hpp, but please try to 
>>>>> keep them to a minimum.  Pure textual output, such as aligning 
>>>>> spaces and # can be printed directly in vmError.cpp of course.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Markus
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Yasumasa Suenaga <suenaga at>
>>>>> Sent: den 19 november 2019 02:32
>>>>> To: hotspot-jfr-dev at
>>>>> Cc: yasuenag at
>>>>> Subject: PING: RFR: 8233373: hs_err should report the location of 
>>>>> JFR files
>>>>> PING: Could you review?
>>>>>>     JBS:
>>>>>>     webrev: 
>>>>> Yasumasa
>>>>> On 2019/11/01 13:38, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Please review this change:
>>>>>>     JBS:
>>>>>>     webrev: 
>>>>>> Since JFR Event Streaming (JEP 349), JFR file in the repository 
>>>>>> would keep most recently data.
>>>>>> It is very useful for postmortem analysis. So it helps JVM 
>>>>>> engineer to acquire them from the user if hs_err log points it.
>>>>>> Examples:
>>>>>> * Show JFR repository path:
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> # JFR files might be saved in the repository:
>>>>>> # /tmp/2019_11_01_11_09_30_3529
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> * Show emergency dump path
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> # JFR data is saved as:
>>>>>> # /home/ysuenaga/github/garakuta/NativeSEGV/hs_err_pid3807.jfr
>>>>>> ```
>>>>>> This webrev passed all tests on submit repo 
>>>>>> (mach5-one-ysuenaga-JDK-8233373-20191101-0248-6329106)
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Yasumasa

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