PING: RFR: 8241439: jdk.NativeLibraryEvent hooks all opened regular files

Yasumasa Suenaga suenaga at
Sun Jun 7 03:26:13 UTC 2020

Hi Chihiro,

Thanks for your comment!

On 2020/06/06 22:04, Chihiro Ito wrote:
> Hi Yasumasa,
> In the following code, like the if statement in the base variable, you
> should strictly use 0 and NULL.
> if (top < phdr _ top) {

I think you mean I should add NULL check to conditions for `top`.
I uploaded new webrev. Is it ok?



> Regards,
> Chihiro
> 2020年6月4日(木) 20:26 Yasumasa Suenaga <suenaga at>:
>> Hi all,
>> Could you review this change?
>>>>     JBS:
>>>>     webrev:
>> I want to merge it to JDK 15.
>> I've got a reviewer, then I need one more reviewer to push.
>> Regards,
>> Yasumasa
>> On 2020/05/26 9:25, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've sent review request last month, but nobody has reviewed. Could you review it?
>>>>     JBS:
>>>>     webrev:
>>> os::get_loaded_modules_info() has introduced in JDK-8056242, and it says this function is for dll/so/dylibs.
>>> In fact, os::get_loaded_modules_info() uses EnumProcessModules() in Windows.
>>> In Linux, get_loaded_modules_info() depends on /proc/<PID>/maps, so it hooks regular files (e.g. JAR, CDS archive), and hooks multiple memory regions by one shared library.
>>> We should merge same library to one event, and should not hook regular files (not shared library).
>>> All comments are welcome.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yasumasa
>>> On 2020/04/16 9:30, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>> PING: Could you review it?
>>>>     JBS:
>>>>     webrev:
>>>> Yasumasa
>>>> On 2020/04/09 16:00, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Please review this change:
>>>>>     JBS:
>>>>>     webrev:
>>>>> HotSpot has os::get_loaded_modules_info() to get all loaded native libraries, however it would call callback in twice on same library on Linux. Also it would call callback even if the file is not a library.
>>>>> We can see this problem in jdk.NativeLibrary JFR event as below:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> jdk.NativeLibrary {
>>>>>      startTime = 16:59:06.621
>>>>>      name = "/usr/lib64/"
>>>>>      baseAddress = 0x7FDB06ACC000
>>>>>      topAddress = 0x7FDB06AF1000
>>>>> }
>>>>> jdk.NativeLibrary {
>>>>>      startTime = 16:59:06.621
>>>>>      name = "/usr/lib64/"
>>>>>      baseAddress = 0x7FDB06AF1000
>>>>>      topAddress = 0x7FDB06C40000
>>>>> }
>>>>>       :
>>>>> ```
>>>>> ```
>>>>> jdk.NativeLibrary {
>>>>>      startTime = 16:59:06.621
>>>>>      name = "/home/ysuenaga/OpenJDK/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/lib/server/classes.jsa"
>>>>>      baseAddress = 0x800000000
>>>>>      topAddress = 0x800007000
>>>>> }
>>>>> ```
>>>>> This change uses dl_iterate_phdr() to get them, so these problem has gone.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Yasumasa

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