[15] RFR: 8193210: [JVMCI/Graal] add JFR compiler phase/inlining events

Jamsheed C M jamsheed.c.m at oracle.com
Thu Mar 26 10:14:48 UTC 2020

Thank you, Vladimir

Best regards,


On 26/03/2020 06:02, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> On 3/25/20 3:24 PM, Jamsheed C M wrote:
>> Hi Vladimir,
>> Thank you for the review and feedback
>> reworked webrev (incremental diff) => 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev.2/webrev.incremental/
>> full diff => 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev.2/webrev.full/
> Yes, good.
> Thanks,
> Vladimir
>> Best regards,
>> Jamsheed
>> On 25/03/2020 03:35, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
>>> Compiler changes review.
>>> You don't need to put all #if INCLUDE_JFR into compilerEvent.cpp.
>>> First you can exclude this file from compilation when JFR is not 
>>> enabled:
>>> make/hotspot/lib/JvmFeatures.gmk  Tue Mar 24 14:42:11 2020 -0700
>>> @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
>>>  ifneq ($(call check-jvm-feature, jfr), true)
>>> +  JVM_EXCLUDE_FILES += compilerEvent.cpp
>>>  endif
>>> You can use NOT_JFR_RETURN_(x) macro in compilerEvent.hpp (you used 
>>> it already in ticksNow()):
>>>      static int register_phases(GrowableArray<const char*>* 
>>> new_phases) NOT_JFR_RETURN_(-1);
>>> You can also add new macro NOT_JFR_RETURN for cases when methods 
>>> don't return.
>>> Other changes in compiler changes look fine to me.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vladimir
>>> On 3/23/20 11:06 AM, Jamsheed C M wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> There were some changes to the requirement. JVMCI phase name 
>>>> registration logic likes it to be completely dynamic(or lazily 
>>>> added) making old assumptions and implementation invalid(i.e. The 
>>>> serializer re-registration logic was very wasteful at startup for 
>>>> totally lazily available java phase names). So, the phase names 
>>>> registration logic is changed for better incremental registration 
>>>> support (see CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::register_phases).
>>>> JVMCI CompilerPhaseEvent uses JFR C++ event definition 
>>>> EventCompilerPhase(defined in src/share/jfr/metadata/metadata.xml). 
>>>> This required CompilerPhaseType to be extended and used for JVMCI 
>>>> Compiler phase names that are lazily added to the VM, more on it 
>>>> below.
>>>> Changes to CompilerPhaseType.
>>>> JFR type CompilerPhaseType is extended for JVMCI use, new mapping 
>>>> is maintained as growable array phase_names (in 
>>>> compiler/compilerEvent.cpp).
>>>> c2 mapping for the type is located in opto/phasetype.hpp. It is 
>>>> explicit mapping, so if it is used, it should be appended to 
>>>> phase_names before any other mapping.
>>>> JVMCI phase name are appended to phase_names lazily(when phases are 
>>>> first used by the jvmci compiler). Its phaseToId version is located 
>>>> at jdk.vm.ci.hotspot.JFR.phaseToId.
>>>> Changes to its serializer[1].
>>>> CompilerPhaseTypeConstant serializer requires changes for handling 
>>>> dynamic entries.
>>>> The types managed by the JfrSerializer framework are usually static 
>>>> by nature, but there were exceptions like 
>>>> JfrNetworkUtilization(where the type values are added lazily/dynamic).
>>>> Although adding new entries to the type lazily and serializing it 
>>>> for every new chunk created later was easy to do with current 
>>>> setup, there was no external support available for serializing the 
>>>> new entries for the current chunk (i.e. JVMCI use case was similar 
>>>> to JfrNetworkUtilization use case, but JfrCheckpointWriter was 
>>>> internal feature and was not available outside JFR module)
>>>> So the serializer re-registration feature was used for serializing 
>>>> it for the current chunk in the webrev[2], but it was wasteful at 
>>>> startup.
>>>> JFR team provided some improvement over this, and made 
>>>> JfrCheckpointWriter available outside JFR module. This was possible 
>>>> by the improved flush logic provided by Markus.
>>>> The new improved phase name registration logic is available at 
>>>> webrev.1 http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev.1/
>>>> Files changed in webrev.1
>>>> src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilerEvent.hpp
>>>> src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilerEvent.cpp
>>>> src/hotspot/share/jvmci/jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
>>>> src/hotspot/share/compiler/compileBroker.cpp
>>>> JFR changes (Flush logic improvement provided my Markus)
>>>> src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/jfrCheckpointManager.cpp
>>>> src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/jfrCheckpointManager.hpp
>>>> src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/jfrTypeManager.cpp
>>>> src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/jfrTypeManager.hpp
>>>> src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/service/jfrRecorderService.cpp
>>>> Other changes (Function name changes)
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev.1/src/hotspot/share/jvmci/jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp.udiff.html 
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev.1/src/jdk.internal.vm.ci/share/classes/jdk.vm.ci.hotspot/src/jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/CompilerToVM.java.udiff.html 
>>>> tracingTimeNow => ticksNow
>>>> writeEventCompilerPhase  => notifyCompilerPhaseEvent
>>>> writeEventCompilerInlining => notifyCompilerInliningEvent
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev.1/src/jdk.internal.vm.ci/share/classes/jdk.vm.ci.hotspot/src/jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/JFR.java.html 
>>>> registerCompilerPhases => registerPhases
>>>> Also, added logic for duplicate removal for non regular bulk 
>>>> registration use case(not properly synchronized, so there can be 
>>>> still duplicates in registrationl).
>>>> Thanks a lot Markus for the continuous support provided for this work.
>>>> Please review.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Jamsheed
>>>> [1] Serializers for types(subclasses of JfrSerializer) serializes 
>>>> type on its registration, once registered, type is serliazed for 
>>>> every new chunks that is created later.
>>>> [2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/
>>>> [3] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev.1/
>>>> On 06/03/2020 22:34, Jamsheed C M wrote:
>>>>> Hi Markus,
>>>>> On 06/03/2020 21:32, Markus Gronlund wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jamsheed,
>>>>>> Looks good.
>>>>> Thank you for the review.
>>>>>> Good work in getting this integration in place.
>>>>> Sure, it wouldn't have been easy without the quick jfr serializer 
>>>>> (Re)registration support provided by you. Thanks for it again.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Jamsheed
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Markus
>>>>>> *From:* Jamsheed C M
>>>>>> *Sent:* den 29 februari 2020 08:28
>>>>>> *To:* hotspot-jfr-dev at openjdk.java.net; 
>>>>>> hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net; Markus Gronlund 
>>>>>> <markus.gronlund at oracle.com>; Doug Simon <doug.simon at oracle.com>; 
>>>>>> Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com>
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [15] RFR: 8193210: [JVMCI/Graal] add JFR compiler 
>>>>>> phase/inlining events
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> i did some more updates to webrev.
>>>>>> 1) used short names for CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post.. 
>>>>>> shortened to CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::post
>>>>>> 2) added detailed comments for 
>>>>>> CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::register_phases. There is some 
>>>>>> implicit assumption at usage site, like c2 is always registered 
>>>>>> first. added comment to make it clear,  and made registration 
>>>>>> final if jvmci is not included.
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Jamsheed
>>>>>> On 28/02/2020 19:52, Jamsheed C M wrote:
>>>>>>     also removed compilerEvent.inline.hpp.. and made most of guarded
>>>>>>     profiling code out-of-line.
>>>>>>     updated webrev in place.
>>>>>>     Best regards,
>>>>>>     Jamsheed
>>>>>>     On 28/02/2020 10:38, Jamsheed C M wrote:
>>>>>>         Hi,
>>>>>>         missed newly added Deoptimization event test. also
>>>>>>         TestJfrJavaBase.java test**
>>>>>>         modified deopt test for jvmci(graal) use case, 
>>>>>> TestJfrJavaBase
>>>>>>         is not relevant as compiler is not available for the test.
>>>>>>         updated webrev in place.
>>>>>>         Best regards,
>>>>>>         Jamsheed
>>>>>>         On 26/02/2020 14:19, Jamsheed C M wrote:
>>>>>>             Hi,
>>>>>>             i messed up with order of includes, got undetected 
>>>>>> due to
>>>>>>             PCH. corrected it, updated webrev in place.
>>>>>>             corrected the title.
>>>>>>             Best regards,
>>>>>>             Jamsheed
>>>>>>             On 26/02/2020 07:35, Jamsheed C M wrote:
>>>>>>                 Hi,
>>>>>>                 This enhancement adds jvmci supports that is 
>>>>>> required
>>>>>>                 for extending existing phase/inlining events support
>>>>>>                 in graal compilers.
>>>>>>                 During this enhancement all jfr events related codes
>>>>>>                 are moved to compiler/compilerEvent.[.hpp, 
>>>>>> inline.hpp,
>>>>>>                 .cpp]
>>>>>>                 Graal use these events via jvmci JFR helper class,
>>>>>>                 which uses c2v interface to post and get information
>>>>>>                 from hotspot
>>>>>>                 Overview of functionalities exposed by JFR helper 
>>>>>> class
>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/jdk.internal.vm.ci/share/classes/jdk.vm.ci.hotspot/src/jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/JFR.java.html> 
>>>>>>                 Ticks, for getting current jfr counter/ time stamp.
>>>>>>                 used for getting start time of events by Graal 
>>>>>> compiler.
>>>>>>                 CompilerPhaseEvent for posting phase event to 
>>>>>> hotspot JFR.
>>>>>>                 CompilerInlininingEvent for posting inlininig 
>>>>>> events.
>>>>>>                 CompilerPhaseEvent extends and use
>>>>>>                 TYPE_COMPILERPHASETYPE content type for phase 
>>>>>> events,
>>>>>>                 this is achieved using reregistration support 
>>>>>> added by
>>>>>>                 Markus [1]
>>>>>> CompilerEvent::PhaseType::register_phases is used for
>>>>>>                 registering phases. This function is usually 
>>>>>> called on
>>>>>>                 compiler singleton object creation. It is also 
>>>>>> called
>>>>>>                 lazily if phases are not known beforehand.
>>>>>>                 The event generation codes in 
>>>>>> c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp,
>>>>>>                 opto/bytecodeInfo.cpp, opto/compile.hpp uses common
>>>>>>                 functions exposed by compiler/compilerEvent.hpp
>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilerEvent.hpp.html>/ 
>>>>>>                 inline.hpp
>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilerEvent.inline.hpp.html>/ ..cpp 
>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilerEvent.cpp.html> 
>>>>>>                 webrev: 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/
>>>>>>                 jbs: 
>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8193210
>>>>>>                 Testing: ran jdk/jfr in my local machine. mach5 run
>>>>>>                 created, links in jbs.
>>>>>>                 Please review,
>>>>>>                 Best regards,
>>>>>>                 Jamsheed
>>>>>>                 [1]
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/jfrCheckpointManager.cpp.udiff.html 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/jfrCheckpointWriter.hpp.udiff.html 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/jfrTypeManager.cpp.udiff.html 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/jfr/recorder/checkpoint/types/jfrTypeManager.hpp.udiff.html 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/hotspot/share/jfr/utilities/jfrTypes.hpp.udiff.html 
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jcm/8193210/webrev/src/jdk.jfr/share/classes/jdk/jfr/internal/consumer/ChunkParser.java.udiff.html 

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