PING: RFR: 8241439: jdk.NativeLibraryEvent hooks all opened regular files

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at
Tue May 26 05:37:59 UTC 2020

Hi Yasumasa,

Sorry, I share Davids reservations on this one.

For one, the bug description is misleading, maybe that is why you don't get
feedback: you are proposing to switch the underlying implementation of
os::get_loaded_module_info() from /proc/pid/maps - which it has been
for ages - to dl_iterate_phdr(3). The bug description should clearly say
so, that would lead the discussion into the right channels.

Switching this implementation affects more callers than
just jdk.NativeLibraryEvent. For instance, it is used
behind os::address_is_in_vm(), and behind a number of monitoring facilities
(jfr, error reporting etc).

So, how exactly would be new list differ? Do you have example printouts?
And, do we even want this to change?

While it is true that os::get_loaded_module_info() on Linux always returned
the whole process mapping instead of just the list of shared libraries,
this was a "bug" I always secretly liked. E.g. in hs-err files, full
mapping is valuable information. I would hate to see it go. So, if you
propose to change this, we should discuss how to replace that information.

Other questions which pop in mind are:

- would using dl_iterate_phdr(3) make us dependent on ELF versioning of the
loaded libraries?
- does it rely on glibc or will it work with muslc too (Alpine Linux, see
JEP 386)

The beauty of using the proc file system is that it is dead simple, always
works, and can be simply verified manually.

I think if you your intent is to just fix jdk.NativeLibraryEvent, I would
do the filtering up there.

Cheers, Thomas

On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 2:26 AM Yasumasa Suenaga <suenaga at>

> Hi all,
> I've sent review request last month, but nobody has reviewed. Could you
> review it?
> >    JBS:
> >    webrev:
> os::get_loaded_modules_info() has introduced in JDK-8056242, and it says
> this function is for dll/so/dylibs.
> In fact, os::get_loaded_modules_info() uses EnumProcessModules() in
> Windows.
> In Linux, get_loaded_modules_info() depends on /proc/<PID>/maps, so it
> hooks regular files (e.g. JAR, CDS archive), and hooks multiple memory
> regions by one shared library.
> We should merge same library to one event, and should not hook regular
> files (not shared library).
> All comments are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Yasumasa
> On 2020/04/16 9:30, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> > PING: Could you review it?
> >
> >    JBS:
> >    webrev:
> >
> >
> > Yasumasa
> >
> >
> > On 2020/04/09 16:00, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> Please review this change:
> >>
> >>    JBS:
> >>    webrev:
> >>
> >> HotSpot has os::get_loaded_modules_info() to get all loaded native
> libraries, however it would call callback in twice on same library on
> Linux. Also it would call callback even if the file is not a library.
> >>
> >> We can see this problem in jdk.NativeLibrary JFR event as below:
> >>
> >>
> >> ```
> >> jdk.NativeLibrary {
> >>     startTime = 16:59:06.621
> >>     name = "/usr/lib64/"
> >>     baseAddress = 0x7FDB06ACC000
> >>     topAddress = 0x7FDB06AF1000
> >> }
> >>
> >> jdk.NativeLibrary {
> >>     startTime = 16:59:06.621
> >>     name = "/usr/lib64/"
> >>     baseAddress = 0x7FDB06AF1000
> >>     topAddress = 0x7FDB06C40000
> >> }
> >>
> >>      :
> >>
> >> ```
> >>
> >> ```
> >> jdk.NativeLibrary {
> >>     startTime = 16:59:06.621
> >>     name =
> "/home/ysuenaga/OpenJDK/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/lib/server/classes.jsa"
> >>     baseAddress = 0x800000000
> >>     topAddress = 0x800007000
> >> }
> >> ```
> >>
> >> This change uses dl_iterate_phdr() to get them, so these problem has
> gone.
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Yasumasa

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