Withdrawn: 8178287: AsyncGetCallTrace fails to traverse valid Java stacks

Ludovic Henry luhenry at openjdk.java.net
Tue Sep 14 14:17:24 UTC 2021

On Wed, 9 Jun 2021 17:16:23 GMT, Ludovic Henry <luhenry at openjdk.org> wrote:

> When the signal sent for AsyncGetCallTrace or JFR would land on a runtime stub (like arraycopy), a vtable stub, or the prolog of a compiled method,  it wouldn't be able to detect the sender (caller) frame for multiple reasons. This patch fixes these cases through adding CodeBlob-specific frame parser which are in the best position to know how a frame is setup.
> The following examples have been profiled with honest-profiler which uses `AsyncGetCallTrace`.
> # `Prof1`
> public class Prof1 {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
>         for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
>             sb.append("ab");
>             sb.delete(0, 1);
>         }
>         System.out.println(sb.length());
>     }
> }
> - Baseline:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 99.4,s 99.4) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t  0.5,s  0.2) Prof1::main
>         (t  0.2,s  0.2) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::shift
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.String::getBytes
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::putStringAt
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::delete
>         (t  0.2,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::append
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::delete
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::putStringAt
> - With `StubRoutinesBlob::FrameParser`:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 98.7,s 98.7) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::ensureCapacityInternal
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::delete
>         (t 99.8,s  0.2) Prof1::main
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t 98.8,s  0.0) java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder::append
>         (t 98.8,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::append
>         (t  0.9,s  0.0) java.lang.StringBuilder::delete
> # `Prof2`
> import java.util.function.Supplier;
> public class Prof2 {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>         var rand = new java.util.Random(0);
>         Supplier[] suppliers = {
>                 () -> 0,
>                 () -> 1,
>                 () -> 2,
>                 () -> 3,
>         };
>         long sum = 0;
>         for (int i = 0; i >= 0; i++) {
>             sum += (int)suppliers[i % suppliers.length].get();
>         }
>     }
> }
> - Baseline:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 60.7,s 60.7) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t 39.2,s 35.2) Prof2::main
>         (t  1.4,s  1.4) Prof2::lambda$main$3
>         (t  1.0,s  1.0) Prof2::lambda$main$2
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$1
>         (t  0.7,s  0.7) Prof2::lambda$main$0
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]
>         (t  0.0,s  0.0) java.lang.Thread::exit
>         (t  0.9,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$2.0x0000000800c00c28::get
>         (t  1.0,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$3.0x0000000800c01000::get
>         (t  1.4,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$4.0x0000000800c01220::get
>         (t  0.7,s  0.0) Prof2$$Lambda$1.0x0000000800c00a08::get
> - With `VtableBlob::FrameParser` and `nmethod::FrameParser`:
> Flat Profile (by method):
>         (t 74.1,s 70.3) Prof2::main
>         (t  6.5,s  5.5) Prof2$$Lambda$29.0x0000000800081220::get
>         (t  6.6,s  5.4) Prof2$$Lambda$28.0x0000000800081000::get
>         (t  5.7,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$26.0x0000000800080a08::get
>         (t  5.9,s  5.0) Prof2$$Lambda$27.0x0000000800080c28::get
>         (t  4.9,s  4.9) AGCT::Unknown Java[ERR=-5]
>         (t  1.2,s  1.2) Prof2::lambda$main$2
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$3
>         (t  0.9,s  0.9) Prof2::lambda$main$1
>         (t  0.7,s  0.7) Prof2::lambda$main$0
>         (t  0.1,s  0.1) AGCT::Unknown not Java[ERR=-3]

This pull request has been closed without being integrated.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4436

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