setting of globals values dependent on release
Volker Simonis
volker.simonis at
Wed May 21 10:01:08 PDT 2008
But as far as I can see, the highest supported class file version in
the VM is defined as a macro in classFileParser.cpp:
So the JDK_Version class will not help in this case. Or do you plan to
replace the macro by a global variable?
The question about the highest class file version a VM is allowed to
support is interesting, because I only found the following information
in the Java VM Specification (2ed ed.): "Only Sun can specify what
range of (Class File Format) versions a Java virtual machine
implementation conforming to a certain release level of the Java
platform may support." However I could not find a place where SUN has
explicitely specified these versions (except in the implementation of
the HotSpot of course, which is quite informal).
Furthermore, this requirement doesn't seem to be enforced by the TCK,
because I recently successfully run the JCK tests for a 1.5 JDK with a
1.6 VM which supports class file versions up to 50 although Java 1.5
should only support class files up to version 49.
On 5/21/08, Keith McGuigan <Keith.McGuigan at> wrote:
> Ok, at least I found where we keep the JDK version, in the (suprise)
> JDK_Version class in java.hpp. That has all the info I'll need and I'll use
> that. So I'm all set now, thanks!
> --
> - Keith
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