code review for attach on demand (AOD) test fix (7035555)

Daniel D. Daugherty daniel.daugherty at
Tue Apr 12 08:12:46 PDT 2011


I have minor fixes to an Attach On Demand (AOD) test that I'd
like to get into T&L snapshot for OpenJDK7-B140 (next week).
Here is my proposed changeset comment:

7035555: 4/4 attach/ needs another tweak for Cygwin
Summary: Test needs to properly detect missing
     AgentInitializationException. Clarify when exceptions
     are expected. Another Cygwin tweak.

Yes, this bug started out as a tweak for Cygwin and then I
discovered and fixed the other small issues.

Here is the URL to the webrev:

I've run the fix through JPRT testing and I ran into an existing
intermittent failure:

     6461635 4/3 test fails intermittently.

I've checked nightly testing and 6461635 makes a periodic
appearance across all platforms.

Thanks, in advance, for any comments.


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