Request for review, 6766644: Redefinition of compiled method fails with assertion "Can not load classes with the Compiler thread"

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Tue Feb 1 17:22:37 PST 2011

My apologies to Keith, I was completely missing the fact that the 
QueueNode class has to hold a copy of the event object due to the 
limited lifetime of the event objects themselves.



David Holmes said the following on 02/02/11 10:30:
> Keith McGuigan said the following on 02/02/11 10:26:
>> On Feb 1, 2011, at 6:38 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>>> The point is to avoid the need to dynamically allocate the 
>>> QueueNodes. If the elements to be queued are self-linking then you 
>>> don't need the extra wrapper objects. Take a look at VM_Operations as 
>>> an example of self-linking objects.
>>> It also makes it easy to return a list of events for batch 
>>> processing, if you chose - ala VM_Operations again.
>> VM_Operations are allocated on the caller's stack and the caller waits 
>> and thus his frame exists for the duration of the operation.  We can't 
>> do that in this situation since the caller of enqueue() does not wait 
>> for the event to be dequeued or posted before continuing, thus the 
>> caller's frame may be popped and/or reused before the event is picked 
>> up by the other (service) thread.  So the event needs to live outside 
>> of the caller's stack (the caller of enqueue()).  The only reasonable 
>> place for it to go is into the C-heap.  It doesn't matter where the 
>> 'next' link lives (internal to or external to JvmtiDeferredEvent), we 
>> still going to need to dynamically allocate C-heap memory to store the 
>> event.
> You are completely missing the point. My reference to vm_ops was for 
> their self-linking nature not where they themselves are allocated. 
> Likewise where the events themselves are allocated is not relevant 
> either - we are not changing that. What I am simply saying is that by 
> dynamically allocating QueueNodes on the C-Heap this change introduces a 
> new fatal error condition in the VM. If the events can self-link, as 
> vm-operations do, then you don't need QueueNodes, you don't need dynamic 
> C-Heap allocation and so no new failure mode is introduced.
> David

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