Request for review 7188233: Deprecate the UseVMInterruptibleIO for JDK8

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Oct 15 11:57:26 PDT 2012

On 15/10/2012 19:44, harold seigel wrote:
> Summary:  The -XX:+UseVMInterruptibleIO flag is deprecated for JDK8.  
> The flag will still enable Interruptible IO on Solaris, but users will 
> get a warning.
> open webrev at 
> <>
> bug link at
> Tested with JCK, JPRT, and tests on Solaris that behave differently 
> depending on the setting of the UseVMInterruptibleIO flag.
> Thanks, Harold
The proposed change looks okay to but if my memory is correct then the 
original plan (from many years ago) was to finally wield the axe and 
remove the code in jdk8. This plan started way back in jdk6 when 
UseVMInterruptibleIO was added, true by default. It was documented at 
the time to give developers a chance to try it out and see if there was 
any impact of their applications on Solaris. Then in jdk7 the default 
was changed to false and the plan was to eventually get rid of it in 
jdk8. "Getting rid of it" is partly library work where we need to 
replace the calls to JVM_* with the appropriate syscall function. That 
will clean things up in a few areas as we've only been using the JVM_* 
functions because of the legacy interruptible I/O support on Solaris. We 
haven't got to this clean-up yet, hopefully soon.

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